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I walked into the studio with a bag of clothes to change into when Harry and I went out later, some makeup, and my dance shoes.

Zayn and Louis walked in, and Zayn smiled at me “hello there” he said walking over to hug me.

“Good morning guys” I said hugging Zayn back and looking at Louis, giving him a smile.

He smiled lightly at me, it looked like he wanted to be nice but something told me it was still bothering him “morning Ella” he said.

I smiled, “so you guys brought the dress shoes and everything I told you to wear?”

Zayn nodded, “why do we need dress shoes for lessons again?”

“Well because at your wedding / anniversary you aren’t going to be dancing in sneakers” I giggled.

Zayn laughed, Louis piped in “but dress shoes aren’t comfortable”

I shrugged, “I know, but I have to wear heels so, everyone is going to be uncomfortable” I laughed.

They both laughed a little before I said, “okay, so who wants to go first”

Zayn looked at Louis, “Louis will go first, he’s a faster learner than me”

I smiled “okay,” I walked over to put some music on while Zayn sat down by the mirrors. “Zayn just observe and then when its your turn it will be easier to remember what I do with Louis okay?”

He smiled and nodded.

I walked over and grabbed Louis’ hand, “okay so hold this one up here… and this one on my hip”. He listened but didn’t say anything.

“Okay, now step back… forth… and to the side…” I said going to give him directions as we danced a little around to the music.

“Ella… I’m sorry I’m being sort of rude” Louis says as we continue to dance.

I look up at him, “Its okay… I get it”

He sighed and kept dancing with me, I knew there was something else he wanted to say, “Louis if theres more you can tell me” I said.

He looked at me “well, look. Harry is ‘that guy’ in the group, he is the one always spotted with a new girl and most of the time they are just friends. Ive seen him in relationships and what hes like, and with you, its well different, you guys have been hanging out for only a few days, and he is happy and light, and not grumpy ol harry he usually is, hes not rushing out trying to find a girl at the club, or constantly texting anyone, hes more here and there and everything” he said trying to fit the words together.

“Okay…” I said waiting for him to finish.

“But I don’t want Harry to end up broken hearted at the end of this… and I’m worried he will because I’ve been where Harry is, and it didn’t work out for me, and it killed me. Harry has more feelings than anyone gives him credit for” He said looking away from me.

I felt sympathetic, “looks Louis, I don’t know if what Harry and I have is real, but I promise you I wont end up hurting him. This is something he and I will be able to decide together, but we want to make sure everything is real and right first you know?”

Louis nodded, “well I just hope you know, that for him, - from what I can tell being his best friend - its real,” he laughed, “he may never admit it to us boys, but we are the ones who know him better than anyone”

I smiled getting that little reassurance that I needed to know, “it feels real for me too” I said.

He gave me a half smile, “ill try harder not to be rude, but if Harry ends up getting hurt-“

I stopped him, “if Harry ends up hurt I give you full permission to hate me and be rude to me as much as you want, but I’m telling you right now that, I wouldn’t hurt him.”

Louis nodded and we continued dancing.

“Okay Zayn come take a try” I smiled holding my hand out for him.

Zayn smiled and got up coming over to me, Louis sat down where Zayn was previously.

“I’m warning you now this is going to take some work” he chuckles.

I smiled “I’m sure you’re not as bad as you think; take my hand and then move your left foot back…” I start to give directions. He follows my movements nicely, “you’re doing well!” I exclaim smiling.

He smiles and looks down at his feet trying to get all the steps in, we stumble a few times but laugh about it.

“Okay boys that was the easy one, but there’s two more types of dances you should learn just in case,” I smiled.

They both looked a t each other, Zayn laughed, “I’m scared now, I do apologize in advance I feel I might step on your feet”

I laughed “its okay, wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened to me, what do you say we try a little bit of salsa like dancing?”

They both looked at me, “you know how to do that?”

I laughed “duh, come on who’s first it’ll be fun”

Ayn stood up and took my hand, and we began. The salsa was so much fun to teach because both of the boys stumbles so much, but in a good way. We tried for about two hours and then we took a break to eat something.

“So Ella what are you doing tonight?” Zayn said pulling out some food from his bag.

I shrugged “I think going to the movies”

“With Harry?” Zayn asks

“Yeah” I nod taking a sip of my water.

Zayn grinned, “I had a feeling you were the reason hes been so sneaky and busy lately”

I smiled, “what about you guys?”

“Just hanging with the fiancé” Zayn blushed.

“Probably going out with Niall or my girlfriend depending on where Niall is at” Louis said.

We talked for a bit longer and then tried dancing again, we began working on the waltz and stumbling around laughing, Zayn twirled me in and out and we were both laughing when Harry walked in grinning, “do I get a turn?”

I lit up instantly when he walked in, Louis and Zayn laughed “well that marks the end of the lesson”

I looked at them smiling “So shall we do this again in a few days?”

Zayn nodded, “today is Friday, so how about Sunday?”

I smiled, “perfect, does that work for you Louis?’’

He nodded “yeah that’s fine”

“Okay, well I’m going to go change, and then ill be right back,” I said grabbing my bag giving harry a smile as I walked out.

Ballet SlippersWhere stories live. Discover now