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A/N: Yikes short chapter again. Guys these chapters are short because i'm not reaching any of my goals with votes or comments... but I continue to update and I'm just feeling a little discouraged. I know this story isnt amazing and there have been a lot of fillers but yolo swag because I'm only getting 3 votes on each chapter and theyre usually my three friends that read my story. 

Anyways, here's the deal. This chapter is about 2 pages long. I promise 100000x promise to write a 10 PAGE chapter for you. YES 10 PAGES if I recieve 5-8 votes or comments on this chapter. I'm not eve joking a little. If i get 3-4 votes I'll write another short chapter... but the next chapter is supposed to be the  climax of the story hence the 10 pages so if you would like that then vooooote or commmeeeeeent.

So tell your friends about this story and read it and lemme know what you think. Those of you who read every update and love the story, well I love you <3 I love you all who read my work it means a lot.


Ella’s Point of View


“What have I done… this is all my fault,” I whispered.

“Ella don’t say that,” Harry said keeping his eyes on the road but trying to comfort me.

“No Harry don’t try and defend me. We both know this is my fault and there’s nothing that you can say to make me believe otherwise. I chose to be with you even though I had a husband; I chose to pull you into this whirlwind of drama right before your big tour and what did I do? I chose to let you get yourself into a situation where we probably will be found out and ruin everything for you.”


“I chose all of that because I’m a terrible fucking person who doesn’t know how good she’s got it; I always-,”

“Ella,” he said more abruptly.

“And I never seem to appreciate anyone especially you, which I should because you’re so good to me and -,”

Without another word the car came to a stop; Harry had pulled over on the side of the road and I heard him unbuckling his seatbelt. I turned to face him and he just was silent with his face in his hands.

“Are you okay?” I asked worriedly; a minute ago he wasn’t even saying much.

“How can you say that about yourself?” he whispered.

“Because its true Harry.”

“Ella,” he sighed looking at me finally; his beautiful eyes clouded with emotion, “I chose to get myself into this situation – you didn’t choose for me. When I kissed you at the club that night… that was my choice. And, he paused obviously getting worked up, “I don’t regret it. Not one bit.”


“You don’t get to take all of the blame for this,” he said sternly, “this was my fault too. And you think this is a mess – yea it kind of is. It’s going to be hard and take a toll on each of us; it’s not going to be easy. But you know what?”

I was silent waiting for his answer.

“This was not a mistake to me – this was a beautiful accident.”

His face softened only in the slightest, but I could tell he wasn’t joking or trying to lighten the mood. This was Harry sharing his every thought and every feeling with me in this moment.


“This was the best fucking decision of my life,” he said reaching over to take my hand, “you were and still are, the best decision I’ve ever made. And I’m not going to let your soon to be ex – husband take that away from me.”

“He’s going to take everything from me Harry,” I said softly, looking down at our hands, “and I don’t have a job or a career and I just… I’ll feel like I’m using you.”

“We talked about this already Ella, you can’t leave me.”

“Harry I-,”

“You cant,” he said with not a hint of softness in his voice; it wasn’t intimidating either. It was desperate.

I knew I couldn’t; there was no way I would be able to willingly leave him, “I know.”

“Promise me,” he pleaded, “that no matter what we will stick together.”

“I… I promise,” I said nodding softly.

It sometimes worried me how much Harry needed me to reassure him that I wasn’t going any where; but in a way it was comforting that he needed me. It felt nice and warm to know I was needed.

“Your parents want to see you in the morning… we should get going,” he said turning the key back into the ignition.

I nodded and buckled myself up. When I turned back to look at him though, he leaned over the console and his lips softly pressed against mine. My heart warmed at the feeling.

“I had to do that first,” he said softly against my lips before pressing another delicate kiss to them, “to remind you that you’re my beautiful accident.”

I smiled softly at him before he smiled and began to drive back to his place, while holding my hand softly the whole ride home.


Taylor’s Point of View


“It’s nothing.” I said turning away from Ed to try and keep my cool. He was over reacting… well okay he wasn’t, but I couldn’t tell him anything until Ella and I talked.

“Taylor spit it out,” he said walking towards me, “I’m getting really sick of your secrets.”

“I-,” I began but then there was a knock on the door. I turned my head to face the door when Ed lifted an eyebrow at me indicating he wasn’t expecting anyone.

“Do you-,”

“No,” he said softly. He walked towards the door and opened it without hesitation but  we both froze immediately at seeing who it was.

“You must be Ed,” my father spoke smiling at him, “I’m Russel.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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