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“So where to now?”

I asked as we stood up getting our coats.

Harry – being a gentleman – placed my coat on me, and said, “well there are a few options”

I smiled, “hit me”

“Well, we can go for a walk to this beautiful little place that I know, we would have to take a cab there but it only takes like 15 minutes, or we can go to the movies, or we can do something else”

“How about the walk? I’m far too full of energy for a movie”

He smiled, “me too, come on ill get us a cab”

His bodyguard was still outside, and the cameras had kind of slowed down as it was a bit colder now, luckily I had packed a scarf in my bag.

We got into the cab and Harry told the driver where to go, “So did you enjoy dinner?” he asked looking at me.

I nodded, “yeah it was really great Harry”

“Good,” he smiled.  His phone rang and he looked down at it, “sorry I have to get this”

I smiled as he answered it.

“Hey mom… I’m good thanks how are you?”

He had a small conversation with his mother as I looked out the window; it really was beautiful here in London. 

I was daydreaming about something when Harry touched my hand, “you okay?”

I smiled, “yeah I’m great, how is your mom?”

He smiled and shrugged, “she’s good, just checking up at me at the funniest times”

“You should feel lucky your mom checks up on you” I smile.

He gave me a puzzled look, “does yours?”

I got embarrassed, not meaning to tell him that right now, I just played it off and shrugged, “y-yeah I guess,” I lied, she hasn’t spoken to me in about 8 months.

Harry knew I was lying, “Ella… I’m sorry if I said something wron-“

I cut him off by turning to smile at him, “no its okay you didn’t don’t worry”

Before he could say anything the cab driver told us we were here, and Harry paid for the cab refusing to let me do it, and we got out. His bodyguard stayed close but not too close just in case; I looked to where he had taken me, it was really beautiful.

It was a huge field kind of on the outside of town, and there was a pond in the edge of the other side, but the grass looked so green in the dim light and the water sparkled. Harry came up beside me distracting me from my thoughts, “here lets go this way” I smiled and followed him.

We walked to the middle of the field where it was wide-open and very quiet; there was no one around where we were luckily. Harry sat down, and patted the grass beside him so I smiled and sat down.

We sat just looking at the sky for a little, it was kind of close to sunset but not quite yet.

“So what’s your family like Harry?” I asked looking over at him.

He smiled, “they’re pretty great. My mom is a sweetheart, and so is my sister. You would probably get along well with both of them,” he paused for a second, “they like to poke fun at me around girls”

I giggled, “I’m not very good at making fun of people”

He smiled, “and that’s why you’re adorable”

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