“You’re not seriously wearing that?” Danielle asked me walking over to the top and jeans I had laid out.

“Yeah why…” I asked a little worried.

“Oooooh pregaming are we?” Nicko said walking in and seeing the wine.

“Nicko look at the outfit she picked out” Danielle said.

“Oh honey no no hmm” Nicko said walking over to my drawers to see what else I had.

Now don’t get me wrong, my friends were not trying to be jerks. I knew exactly why they didn’t like my clothes and it was because we weren’t going to church we were going to a club; a some what fancy t shirt and jeans were not going to cut it with what my friends were looking for.

Nicko pulled out a plum colored short dress, it flowed to just above my knees and it was a soft fabric that looked comfortable, “here” he said giving it to me.

“Guys… its really short I mean, is it appropriate for me to wear this?”

They both rolled their eyes, “You’re nineteen Ella!!! This is how you’re supposed to dress to go out to a club!” Danielle protested.

I sighed looking down at the dress,

“Ella… we aren’t trying to be rude. We want you to feel good about yourself” Nicko said a little softer than before.

“Yeah Ella you are GORGEOUS and you should know it, we want you to feel it!” Danielle said grabbing my hands.

I smiled at them, because I knew they just cared about me, “I will need shoes for this..” I said grinning.

“ON IT” Nicko said going to Danielle’s room to find me a pair of shoes to wear.

“Hair time?” Danielle smiled.

I nodded smiling bigger and we went into the bathroom. Danielle curled her hair and teased the back so that she had half of it tied up and the rest just hanging in perfect curls.

I curled my hair and brushed it out to accentuate my already beachy waves and give it some volume.

We finished our makeup and hair when Nicko came back in the room with some black heels for me to wear, they weren’t too high because I wouldn’t be able to walk, but they gave me a little more height than the little 5”1 I was.

“Well girls, you look absolutely fabulous” Nicko smiled at us. He grabbed three wine glasses and filled them. He held up his glass, “a toast to our night out, and our friendship. And may we all have fun tonight as well as look gorgeous” he said winking. We all smiled and said Cheers, and clinked glasses. After we finished our glasses we walked down to the lobby to meet Nicko’s friends.

“Ella, Danielle, this is Luke, Andrew, Beth and Jared” he smiled introducing us.

“Nice to meet the famous Ella in person”, Andrew said winking.

“Famous?” I laughed a little.

“Your video, it was absolutely everywhere for a while” he said accentuating the importance of it.

“Oh, well thank you” I said blushing.

We all decided to walk to the club because it wasn’t more than a 20-minute walk or so. On the way there, we learned that Andrew and Luke were both also gay, and that Beth and Jared were dating each other. They all were living in London, and they knew Nicko because he went to school here in London for a semester in high school.

“So Ella I hear we are meeting some other people at the club?” Beth asks.

“OH YES” Nicko pipes in, “Ella has a thing with someone famoooooous”

I hit his arm “I do not, we are just friends” I said getting a little red.

“Who is it?” Beth asked suddenly very intrigued.

“We are meeting One Direction, I know harry – who is JUST a friend” I aimed at Nicko.

He grinned “whatever you say sweet cheeks” he replied.

We kept walking and chatting when my phone rang, I looked at who it was and groaned “guys ill be right back I have to take this” I say walking over to a quieter area outside.

“Hi Jack” I said.

“Hey Ella, where are you it sounds loud?” he said sounding concerned.

“Oh me and some friends are going out dancing” I replied.

“Dancing? Like to a club?”

“Yeah I guess so” I said not worrying about it.

“What the hell Ella, what are you doing?” he said getting upset.

“Wait what?”

“Are you drinking there tonight?” he asked me avoiding my question.

“Well yeah I-“ I managed before he cut me off.

“Ella sweetie, you drunk and dancing its just. It’s not attractive. You get really sloppy and easy, maybe you shouldn’t be drinking tonight” he said condescending me even though he made it sound caring.

I was speechless “wow that was… pretty rude Jack”.

“I’m sorry ell aim just going through something, until I have that vacation all I can’t think about other things” he said a little unconvincingly.

“Uh okay jack I gotta go now because we are going into the club, but you have a good night doing whatever it is you are” I said, hanging up before he could say anything.

We were ID’d and were let into the club. Danielle and I had two shots and we headed out to the dance floor. When we decided to get more to drink, I spotted someone “Look its Harry” I said to her subtly.

It must have been louder than I thought because he soon turned and looked at us on top of the terrace in the bar and he smiled widely “well I was wondering where you were”.

I didn’t have a response, all I could do was stare into his green beautiful eyes, and oddly enough… he was watching mine too.

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