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Harry was silent for a few minutes and I could tell something was bothering him. He decided to ask me “do your parents like your husband?” 
I shrugged, a little concerned about why he was asking me “mom likes that he has money” 
“What about your dad? Or your brother?” He asked
“Dad never met him.. We didn’t have a big wedding and when we visited them he was out of town. And no my brother doesn’t.. He’s more of a free spirit and all. We don’t talk much but he loves me and wants me to be happy” I said looking down. And then I smiled thinking of my brother, “he would like you. He’s a lot like you” I laughed.
“What’s he like?” Harry asked loosening his tenseness a little. 
“Well he’s also a musician, and he’s very talented. He’s all about believing in doing what you want and everything. We grew up very close; he always supported me for dancing. But now he travels and I only see him every couple of months” I shrugged.
“He sounds awesome” Harry said. 
I nodded just resting on him. We sat watching the sunset and waiting for it to get dark we talked for a little while. I was happy to be there, sitting with Harry and talking about real things, but I could tell talking about jack hurt him. So I tried not to bring it up. Once it was dark, Harry whispered “I should probably get you out if the cold” 
I nodded and leaned up to kiss his cheek. We took a cab back home and he walked me to my hotel again, this time when he went to say goodbye he kissed me harder, more than before and I could tell he didn’t want to leave. “Harry?” I asked pulling back. 
“Yes?” He smiled still holding my waist 
“Do you want to come in and watch a movie or something?” 
He sighed, “I do. Really.. But I promised Louis we would talk tonight..”
“Oh okay” I said slightly disappointed. 
But he smiled and rested his forehead on mine, “can we do that tomorrow though?” 
I nodded smiling, “yes please… Does 8 work?” 
He smiled and kissed me lightly, “it works perfect. I’ll call you tomorrow” he smiled and left. I again laid down on my bed smiling to myself, but then beginning to get stressed out when I thought about the whole situation.

(Harry’s Point of View) 
I was happy that Ella had a good time, and that we were going to see each other again tomorrow. I couldn’t help but feel like I had met her before; even though I hadn’t I felt some kind of familiarity with her but I shook it off as I walked into my hotel bracing myself for this talk with Louis. 
I walked into the suite that we had at the hotel and all the boys were kind of doing their thing, Niall was gaming with Liam, Zayn was siting in the kitchen part with Perrie and Louis and they were having a discussion. 
“Guys I’m home” I said closing the door behind me. 
“Hey mate” Liam and Niall greeted me. 
Zayn smiled and I walked over to them “how was it?” 
I grinned “It was great actually we had a lot of fun” 
Louis scoffed, “hmm what kind of fun” 
I shot him a look “are we going to have this talk now then?” 
He nodded with a bit of attitude “here or in a bedroom?” 
Zayn laughed lightening the mood, I laughed too but Louis wasn’t amused. 
I rolled my eyes and we walked to my room and I sat on the bed. 
“So. What’s going on” I sighed. 
Louis sat in the chair across from me “do you know what you’re getting yourself into?” Louis said lightly 
“Yes” I out simply 
“Harry this is serious… She’s married mate” 
“I’m aware of that Louis”
“And he has money and links to get her dancing and a career” 
I looked at him with complete shock, I laughed sarcastically “you’re aware we are One Direction right?” 
He looked down “okay I guess that was a bad argument. Okay. How about this one. How do you know she’s going to be with you?” 
I stood up crossing the room to get a drink “she will Louis” 
Louis stood up and followed me getting a little upset “how do you know that Harry” 
I turned abruptly “I just do Louis! ” 
“How do you know!” 
“Louis I just do! And if she doesn’t then that’s MY problem but that’s not going to happen! It’s real between us!” 
Louis got a little more angry but with attitude “mate you don’t KNOW what’s real! You are Harry Styles!! You do not do relationships! We all know you and when you get into a relationship you end up getting bored anyways. So what happens if she does leave you huh? You gonna go and bang someone else and ruin it? Or break up with her leaving her alone and divorced now?” 
I was beyond angry “LOUIS don’t act like you know that about me! I haven’t found a girl yet that is worth my love and commitment and feelings. Ella is different! Notice how we have gone out like four times an we haven’t slept together yet? Yeah that’s ALOT different than the usual Louis. Don’t act like I am a mess up or whatever because I’m PERFECTLY capable of having relationships like the rest of you” 
Louis softened just a little “I’m just looking out for you harry” 
“No Louis. You’re not. You’re looking out for the reputation of the band. Keeping eeeeeveryone in place. You the funny and childish but charming one, Zayn the mysterious one, Liam the serious one, NIALL the single but adorable one who loves food, and then there’s me. The man whore, the womanizer, the one who can’t settle down because I’m too good for that. Well sorry Louis I don’t always play by managements rules anymore and if you were truly my best friend you would be EXCITED for me to find someone as amazing as this girl and just let it work out”
Louis turned his head not looking at me, he softly said “I don’t want you to get hurt Harry” 
“Ella won’t hurt me” I said. 
Louis sighed, “she’s really nice Harry, but how do you know she won’t just end it and go to her husband?” He looked at me. 
I sighed “because it feels right, I get nervous around her and she does the same and she’s happy around me… Louis I’m going to fight for her if she doesn’t want me, because this is one I’m not letting go” 
Louis nodded ” I’m sorry. I’ll try to be more supportive” 
I nodded and headed back out to go see the rest of the gang.

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