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Harry took me to a little quiet but adorable restaurant about 15 minutes from my hotel, it was not too busy but it was lighted very nicely and it looked beautiful. It has the inside with some sort of artistic feel to it, and it made me smile as we walked in and were sat down.

“So how was your day today Ella?” Harry asked after we had ordered.

“Oh it was good thanks, how was yours?”

He shrugged “pretty relaxing, I didn’t do very much. What did you end up doing today?”

We talked a little about our day and what had happened and everything.

After a few minutes I said, “Can I ask you something?”

He smiled “yeah sure”.

“Why do you want to hang out with me?” I asked curiously.

He smiled and shrugged looking down “I like you, you’re interesting”.

I smiled “interesting?”

He looked down again “yeah there’s something about you that interests me”.

“But Harry I’m-“ I said before he cut me off.

“Married, I know. But that doesn’t mean I cant get to know you, I mean unless you don’t want to” he said looking at me again.

I smiled and bit my lip a little “I do want to get to know you, there’s something that interests me about you too”.

He smiled getting a little shy, “well I’m glad that we can agree to want to know each other.”

Our food came and we ate talking about ourselves, we started with Harry’s band, and then my dancing, and then some more interests of ours. Harry was a total gentleman and wouldn’t let me pay for my food, and then we headed out to take a walk.

“So it might be out of my place to ask,” Harry said sitting down on the grass of a field we had walked to – “but what’s your husband like?”

I sat down beside him and pulled my knees closer to me “Jack? Well, uhm. He’s okay I guess.”

Harry laughed a little, and I looked at him confused “ you married him because he was just alright?”

I looked down “no no. It’s complicated.”

I could hear the gentility in his voice “try me, I’m sure I can keep up”.

I sighed and gave him a quick smile before just looking off into the river in front of us “well, he is a nice man. Yes he isn’t always the nicest to me but when we first met he did so much to get me into the dancing business, and he seemed to really care for me” .


I looked at him “what makes you think there’s a but?”

He smiled a little “you’re easy to read”.

I sighed again and I looked down just playing with my fingers, “but… I’m not really happy with him…” I say.

Harry is quiet for a minute “what do you mean?”

“I’m not, really myself around him. I don’t feel like my dreams matter as much as his money or job and, he wants to rush into things like having a family and I’m not ready yet, I mean... I’m only 19… my dream was to always always be a dancer, not a housewife”.

Harry didn’t say anything for a while, and then he said “I really admire your dreams Ella”.

I looked up at him “you do?”

He smiled a little “yeah, you came out here and you’re trying to do what you want; you need to always do what you think is right for you and what makes you happy… and I know I probably shouldn’t be saying this but if your husband doesn’t see how happy and passionate you are about dancing, then… maybe I don’t know, he wasn’t supposed to be your husband”.

I nodded “I know exactly what you mean… I just don’t know. There are more complications and things that I haven’t explained you know?”

He nods. “Well, lets talk about something else then, I like seeing you smile” he says. After about two hours of talking we head back to my hotel. We reach the lobby just like last night and I turn to him.

 “Me and some friends are going out tomorrow night, would you like to come?” I asked him smiling.

“Well me and the rest of the guys were going to go out tomorrow night as well, could we meet you and your friends somewhere maybe?” he asked.

I nodded smiling “that would be great actually, ill give you a call tomorrow and let you know where we should go”.

He smiled at me before looking into my eyes, I could feel his gaze taking over me as he leaned in to kiss my cheek. He planted a sweet kiss on my cheek before pulling away but only a little bit, our foreheads almost touching.

“I would kiss you right now,” he whispers looking into my eyes before I interrupt him “but you cant…”

he nods still looking at me “but I want you to know that if I could, I would in a heartbeat”.

I blushed more than I did earlier tonight, and I nodded “So would I”. He leaned over and kissed my cheek again “thank you for a wonderful evening Ella, I’ll talk to you tomorrow”.

I nodded “thanks Harry… I’ll call you tomorrow” I smile as he leaves.

I got into the elevator and walked to my room quietly. When I got into my room I sat on my bed, and laid back to look at the ceiling. What am I going to do? I asked myself. Harry is the most gorgeous man I’ve ever even talked to, and he’s so sweet and something about him is pulling me towards him like I’ve never felt before. But there’s Jack… I haven’t heard from him in a while besides that vague text today, and I’m not sure what to think of it. I shake my head going into the bathroom to wash up, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought some more. What if I did kiss harry? I never know there could be a kiss and then maybe there won’t be any sparks? But then I sighed knowing thaw there weren’t any sparks with Jack. My head was starting to hurt thinking about all this so I decided to go to bed. As I was drifting off to sleep all I could think about was Harry, and his beautiful green eyes, and lips that I wanted to kiss so badly. I felt my cheek remembering the kiss he left on it and I smiled to myself. I didn’t do anything with Harry, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t allowed to feel this happy before I went to sleep at night right?

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