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We enter the club again from the back entrance, and walk over to where Zayn, Louis and Nicko are sitting.

“Hey Nicko where did Dani go?” I ask him, as we get closer.

He smirks “Niall took her home”

I giggled “Ohhh okay”.

“More like Danielle couldn’t wait to take him home” Zayn laughs.

I laughed and sat in between the two boys as Harry had a conversation with Louis.

“So Ella, you are the girl from the video” Zayn smiles.

I laugh a little embarrassed, “am I the only one who didn’t know this video was on the Internet?”

Zayn smiles “apparently, you’re a huge hit to a bunch of management companies right now”

“Wow” my eyes widen “I honestly had no idea, I submitted it as a contest thing for this company, and now it’s on the Internet” I laugh.

Zayn leans a little closer to me so I could hear him, “this is kind of embarrassing, but I need to ask you a favor”

I nodded “okay sure what is it?”

“Would you by chance be able to teach me to dance? I’m engaged and I don’t want to embarrass myself when I get married; I want to surprise my fiancé with a beautiful dance”

“Awe Zayn that’s so adorable! Of course I can teach you, did you want it to be a surprise or bring your fiancé?”

“She already knows how to dance, so I want to surprise her. Harry says you’re a fantastic dancer, and the video sure confirmed it… would you be able to do it?” he asked a little shy.

“Yeah of course I can!” I said.

“Thanks, Louis wont admit it but he needs help too, his anniversary is coming up and he wants to dance with his girl, but he cant dance either” Zayn laughs.

“Shut up I so can dance” Louis interrupts.

“Nah mate, you really cant” Harry says patting him on the back.

“Shut up.” Louis scoffs.

“Its really no problem, I can teach both of you if that works?” I ask looking at the two boys.

“That would be fantastic, thank you so much Ella” Zayn says, genuinely appreciative.

Zayn gives Louis a nudge in the arm, “Thanks Ella” Louis says a little less excited than Zayn.

We exchanged phone numbers and I have them the address of the studio that the dance company would let us use, we agreed to go tomorrow and then see how many more lessons they would need from there. When I looked at the clock next it was about 2 am, and I was getting tired. “Hey Nicko, I’m going to head back to the hotel, are you and our friends okay here?” I asked him.

“Yes gorgeous we will be fine, can you take someone with you so you’re safe?”

Before I can answer Harry chimes in, “Ill take her, I’m heading home too”.

I smile and look up at Nicko, “there’s your answer” I laugh.

He laughs and kisses my cheek; “ill see you in the morning with coffee girl”

I smile “bye Nicko, bye boys”

They all say goodbye and Harry says goodnight as we leave.

We walk out into the chilly air and head towards the hotel I was staying at.

“Ella when is your birthday?” Harry smiles at me.

I smile that he asked “March 8th”

“Okay, Ill remember that” he grins.

As we continue walking Harry takes my hand and I intertwine our fingers.

“What’s your favorite color?” he asks me.

I giggle, “Rose red, why do you want to know this?”

“Because I feel like these are things I’m going to need to know” he shrugs.

I smile “what’s your favorite color?”

“Black obviously,” he says gesturing to his outfit.

I laugh because black is all he ever wears, “black isn’t a color”

He shrugs “hmm. I would have to say blue or purple then” he smiles.

“Favorite food?” I ask.

“Oh, I don’t even know” he laughs. “Pretty much anything”

“Well what do you like to snack on?” I ask.

He laughs “popcorn I guess. What about you?”

“Nutella and crackers is my weakness” I laugh.

He smiles. Changing the subject he says, “it was really nice of you to accept teaching Zayn and Louis to dance”

“Oh I’m happy to, dancing on your wedding day is important. Plus its fun for me to teach” I say smiling.

“Well that’s because you’re a fantastic dancer” Harry smiles.

Something dwelled on me and I asked, “Louis doesn’t like me very much does he?”

Harry made a face, “it’s not you. He has a feeling that there’s something going on between us and he knows you’re married; but I haven’t told him anything in case it gets worse,” he says.

“Oh.” I simply say looking down.

Harry notices I looked down and he steps in front of me, grabbing both my hands “come on look at me”

I look up at him not to sure how to feel about it.

“You don’t have to worry about that for a few weeks remember” he says.

I smile at him, “you’re okay with this plan we have going right? I mean, I know I suggested it but I don’t want you to resent me for it, and I know its wrong and everything but there’s just so much going wrong and I haven’t felt this way before about someone an-“ Harry kisses me as I start to ramble on and I smile into the kiss. He barely pulls away to look at me, “does that show you I’m okay with this?”

I nod and he puts his arm around me as we continue to walk.

We get to the hotel and enter through the back; Harry takes the elevator and walks me up to my room. “Do you want to come in?” I ask him.   

He smiles, “I would love to, but I think I should head home. You need to sleep for tomorrow, the boys can be a bit tiring”

I nod, “Okay, well thanks for walking me home” I say.

He smiles “can I take you out tomorrow night? To a movie or something?

I smile at him, “is that okay? If we are out in public like that?”

He shrugs grinning “we just wont make it obvious, everyone has to believe we are friends, and friends hang out right,” he says.

I nod “okay, well that sounds great”.

“Ill pick you up from the dance studio if you’d like? And then we can get something to eat and go to the movies?” he asks, suddenly getting all shy.

I giggle at his shyness, “That sounds perfect. Ill let you know when I’m done tomorrow.”

His face lights up “okay sounds good, goodnight Ella,” he leans in and kisses me lightly, but I pull him closer just to make it a little but more passionate, I could feel him smiling which reassured me I was in the right mind to do so.

He pulls away and flashes me the most amazing smile, “goodnight love”. He says as he turns around “goodnight Harry” I smile.

I watch him leave and go downstairs and I close the door. I walk over and fall on my bed, overwhelmed by happiness. I lie flat on my back and run my fingers half way through my hair with how much excitement is running though me.

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