Chapter 1

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Okay, let's get straight into this, shall we? Also, all my other mpreg fics, I've used c-section birth and not natural birth, but all of those ones weren't omegaverse mpreg, while this one is, and it's got natural birth in it.


Sebastian doesn't remember it being this painful the last time. His contractions had started early in the morning, and it's now currently late afternoon, and still his water hasn't broken. Maybe it's just because that this little girl is a lot bigger than both Taissa and Emma were that's making this hurt much more, but still, this one is hurting so much.

"Ch-Chris." Sebastian whimpers, leaning up against Chris, as the two of them stand in the middle of their living room. "I-it hurts so m-much." He cries. "God, it never hurt this much the last time."

"It's okay, Seb." Chris says, rubbing a hand round Sebastian's back, trying to the omega, though there isn't really much that he can do to soothe the pain that Sebastian is in right now. "You'll be okay soon, I promise."

Sebastian turns to look at Chris, glaring at him. "Chris, I swear to god I'll fucking cut off your dick, and then shove it up your ass if you say that it's going to be okay one more time." He says through gritted teeth. "You try fucking going through labor, then push a baby out of you, and see if you think it's going to be okay then!"

Chris frowns. This pregnancy definitely has taken it's toll on Sebastian this time around, and Chris hardly knows what to do now. Both of the last pregnancies Sebastian had gone through went by pretty smoothly. But this one.... This one is definitely causing a lot more discomfort for Sebastian. Granted, this one is a big baby, while Taissa and Emma were both small babies, so there is bound to be more pain with this one.

"Seb, hone-" Chris starts, but is cut off by Sebastian yelling in pain once more. "Maybe we should get you to the hospital right about now." Chris says, grimacing a little, as Sebastian leans up against him, and yells in pain once more.

"You d-don't fucking say." Sebastian growls, gripping onto Chris's arm tightly to keep himself standing as he leans up against Chris.

Chris whimpers a little at how tight Sebastian is gripping onto his arm, but he doesn't even dare to move Sebastian's arm from it's tight grip. Right now, Chris is practically treading on eggshells, and he doesn't want to make any wrong move. When Sebastian is pissed - and in pain like he is currently - Chris has to be careful what he says and does.

Sebastian may be an omega, but he can be a pretty damn scary omega. Especially when he's angry.

"Are you going to be okay with walking to the car, or do I need to carry you?" Chris asks, kind of fearing what Sebastian's answer to that will be.

Boy, Chris is glad that Taissa and Emma are at his parents house right now, as he's not too sure how they'd react seeing their mother in pain like this.

And quite honestly, he just doesn't want them to see this.

"Just fucking carry me out to the car, Chris!" Sebastian shouts, growling a little as he grabs onto Chris's crotch through his jeans, squeezing tightly as to warn Chris to hurry the hell up.

Unfortunately for Chris, a contraction shoots through Sebastian just as he's squeezing his crotch.

"Ow! Ow, honey." Chris whines. "What a-are you trying to do, break it?" He asks, whimpering in pain.

"That's exactly what's going to happen if you don't hurry the fuck up!" Sebastian warns through gritted teeth, screwing his eyes shut, as another contraction runs through him. This time, it comes a lot sooner than the other one did. "Oh, g-god. Chris, we need to g-go now." He cries. "Hurry up!"

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