Chapter 36

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Anthony taps his foot on the floor nervously and impatiently. He's not sure how much time has passed since Sebastian went into labor, but it's been quite awhile. He thinks it's been about two or three hours now, give or take. He knows that labor can take some time, but he can't stop the nagging fear in the back of his mind that something might be going wrong in there.

Sebastian may not be his omega, but he truly cares for the guy, and would hate for anything bad to happen to him.

He knows it's not going to happen, but he can't help but worry something might go wrong, and Sebastian and both twins may die during childbirth. It may not happen often anymore - or at least not publicized (not like that would really be publicized anyway) - but it still does happen, and he hates to think that it may happen.

Although, he's probably being paranoid and nothing bad will happen. Sebastian is the strongest omega he knows, he will get through it and both twins will be strong and healthy.

They just have to.

Yeah, he's almost certain that he's just being paranoid. If anything is going wrong in there, he's sure someone would've come out by now and told them.

It doesn't stop him from worrying though, and his worry won't be likely to disappear until he hears that the twins are born, and Sebastian is fine.


He looks up at the sound of his name being called out, to find Scarlett and her boyfriend, Jeremy running towards him.

He had called her only fifteen minutes ago, telling her to get her ass down to the hospital because Sebastian has gone into labor. He's almost certain that if he hadn't called her to inform her, she'd kick his ass, and he doesn't fancy getting his ass kicked today.

"We came as soon as you called." Scarlett says. "Do you know what's happening in there?"

Anthony shakes his head. "No, but I can guess."

Even though he can guess what's happening, he doesn't particularly like to think about it. The whole concept of childbirth kind of freaks him out a little. He's sure glad he's not an omega, he's not certain he'd be able to go through childbirth. He's no idea how Sebastian does it.

Though that's not to say that he doesn't want to have kids one day when he meets the right person. But he's happy being single for now, and being the uncle-slash-godfather to Sebastian and Chris's kids. He's still got plenty of time to start a family of his own. He's in no hurry.

Scarlett nods. "Well I hope nothing goes wrong in there." She says, as she and Jeremy take a seat to wait it out. "How long have they been in there?"

Anthony looks down at his watch, shrugging. "A couple hours at least."

"Hopefully it doesn't take much longer." Scarlett says, looking around. "Then again... he's having twins."

"I'm sure everything is going fine in there." Jeremy says, wrapping an arm around Scarlett's shoulders. "Omegas are made for this are they not? Sebastian will be fine."

"I know." Anthony sighs, shaking his head. "Doesn't mean I don't worry."

He looks up down the hall as he sees Sebastian's mother making her way back towards them. She had gone off o get a coffee from the hospital's cafe not too long before Scarlett and Jeremy got here. Anthony had offered to go get one for her, but she declined, saying that she needs to stretch her legs anyway.

"Any news yet?" She asks, taking her seat next to Anthony.

"Not yet." Anthony sighs. "And since it's twins, I feel like we'll be waiting for awhile yet."

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