Chapter 34

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"Remind me again why you've put me on bed rest?" Sebastian sighs, as he pulls the covers up over him.

It's eleven in the morning on a Saturday, and Chris has ordered him to stay in bed, putting him on bed rest. Usually he'd be fine with staying in bed, but today all he wants to do is stay out of bed.

"Because you're eight - nearly nine - months - pregnant with twins and you can barely walk." Chris says. "And you could pop any day now."

"The twins aren't due for another three weeks, nearly a month." Sebastian says. "I'll be fine."

Or maybe he won't be. He's not told Chris because he doesn't want to worry him, but he thinks he may have started having contractions earlier this morning.

Though they haven't returned yet, so maybe it was just false labor pains? He certainly hopes they were. He's not ready yet to have these babies.

"Seb, you heard what your midwife had said last week." Chris starts, folding his arms across his chest. "There's a chance that the twins may come early."

Sebastian sighs, sitting back in bed. He knows very well that that's true. The twins could arrive any day now. And judging by what he thinks might've been labor pains earlier this morning, the twins will arrive any day now.

"Now, I got to go out. I've called Anthony so he can come over and keep an eye on you and the girls." Chris says. "I probably won't be home until later in the afternoon."

This gets Sebastian's attention. "What?" He asks. "Why the hell are you going out today?"

He's not aware of anything for work that Chris has to go to, so why the fuck does he all of a sudden need to go out somewhere? And he won't be home until later?

Now that he hears that Chris is going somewhere today, he's not so sure it's a good idea if he should. Especially not when he may have been having contractions earlier this morning....

"No reason." Chris says. "I just need to go across town to pick something up for work."

And for some reason, Sebastian isn't too sure if he believes him or not. What the hell does he need to pick up from across town for work that takes the whole day to pick up? It's certainly not something from his boss's place, he doesn't live very far away from them.

"Chris..." Sebastian sighs, sitting up. "Are you lying to me?"

Chris looks at Sebastian in confusion. "Why would I lie to you?"

Okay, he's absolutely lying to Sebastian. But for a very good reason. He's going off to the airport to pick up Sebastian's mother. It's supposed to be a surprise for Sebastian between him and Georgeta.

"Seb, honey. I promise I'm not lying to you." Chris assures him. "And I'll see you later. Anthony will be here soon."

Sebastian sighs, knowing he won't get anything out of Chris about where he's going. Which is rather annoying. He's not very fond of surprises, and would rather if Chris just told him where the fuck he's going.

He doesn't like not knowing....

Though he has a feeling that Anthony might know where Chris is off to. Maybe he can get an answer out of Anthony? Or maybe not.... Chris probably has him sworn to secrecy. Fucking alphas....

"You know I don't like not knowing, Chris...." He sighs, sitting back in bed.

"I know you don't." Chris says, walking over to Sebastian's side to lean down and kiss him on the cheek. "But you gotta trust me."

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