Chapter 32

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Sebastian lays in bed resting and reading some book off his shelf. Chris is attending to the girls, allowing him to get as much rest and alone time as he possibly can right now, as he needs it. Especially when his alone time will be gone soon, so he's making the most of it now while he still can.

Thankfully Chris seems to be doing okay with the girls for now. Sebastian has yet to hear any complaining coming from downstairs, and he's hoping that it'll stay that way for the time being.

Lately, Sabrina has been waking up crying in the middle of the night, causing both Sebastian and Chris to go and stay with her until she falls back asleep. And some nights she doesn't go back to sleep until the early hours of the morning.

Unfortunately Sebastian isn't able to get Chris to go attend her by himself, as Sabrina wants both of them every time, especially Sebastian. Which doesn't work out too well for him, since he needs to get as much rest as he can while he's still carrying the twins.

Thankfully Taissa and Emma have been fine with everything that's happening. In fact Emma has been trying to do everything she can to help out as much as possible.

"Sebastian?" Chris asks, knocking on the side of the doorframe to get Sebastian's attention. "I brought you some food."

Sebastian sets his book down next to him as he sits up in bed. "Good, cause I'm hungry."

Chris nods as he sets the plate of food down on the bed in front of Sebastian. "I made some tuna pasta salad. There's more downstairs if you're still hungry after."

"It's perfect." Sebastian says, around a mouthful of food. "And I'll be downstairs in a bit."

"You don't have to, Seb." Chris says. "You need all the rest you can get right now. The girls and I are fine downstairs."

Sebastian looks at him. "I know, but I don't want to stay in here all day."

"Well alright." Chris nods, leaning down to kiss Sebastian on the cheek. "I best go back down there and keep an eye on the girls." He says. "Sabrina has found a new game of throwing her food onto the floor."

Upon hearing that, Sebastian sighs. More trouble from Sabrina, and this time it's from her throwing her food to the floor.... He can only imagine how she'll behave once the twins are born.

She's still not okay with the idea of two more babies in the house, and while both Sebastian and Chris hope that once the twins are born that she'll get over it, they have their doubts. They're just glad that it's only Sabrina who's not happy about the twins.

"Are Tai and Em behaving?" He asks.

Chris nods. "Yeah they are. More or less." He says. "Tai doesn't want to do her homework though, not even when I offer to help her with it."

"I'll try helping her with it later." Sebastian says, before he's waving Chris off. "Now go. I'm gonna try have a quick nap once I've finished this, then I'll be downstairs."

Chris nods, about to leave, but Sebastian stops him.

"Wait." Sebastian says. "I think while Tai is at school tomorrow and Em is at preschool we should go out shopping for baby clothes for the twins."

They don't have any baby clothes for boys, so they really need to think about going out shopping for clothes for them, along with some other stuff to add to their nursery.

They've already got quite a bit of stuff for the twins nursery, and everything's mostly all set up thanks to Chris and Anthony last week, but buying a few more things won't hurt. But they especially need to buy more baby clothes.

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