Chapter 28

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A few days have passed since Chris and Sebastian had found out that they're having twins, and they've not yet told any of their friends and family about it yet. They're not quite sure how to break the news to them just yet, so they're going to give it a few more days until they tell them. Probably not till after Sebastian's next appointment where they'll hopefully be able to find out the genders.

Though something that they still really need to do before they even think of telling their family and friends that they're having twins, is talk to Sabrina and try to get her to understand that this is a good thing for them all, not a bad thing. They're not sure how the talk is going to go down, especially when she's still only a year old, and doesn't understand what's going on. Sebastian has to wonder though if the fact that she's an alpha has anything to do with the way she initially reacted to the news.

Lately, over the last couple of days Sebastian has beginning to think over if he wants to have anymore kids after the twins. He and Chris did previously agree that they'd be done having kids after they've finally got the little boy they've always wanted, but now? After how rough this pregnancy has been on him, Sebastian's not so sure if he wants to be pregnant again after the twins.

Besides, if both the twins end up being girls, there are other options that they can look into in getting a son. But would Chris want that?

"Chris." Sebastian sighs, moving closer to him in bed. It's currently quite early in the morning, and they both don't need to be up for a little while. "You awake?"

Chris hums in response, pulling Sebastian closer to him and wrapping his arms around him. "Yeah?"

"I've been thinking...." Sebastian says, resting his head on Chris's chest.

"Thinking about what?" Chris asks.

Sebastian goes quiet. He's not sure if Chris will agree to it, but it's worth a shot. "I think I want the twins to be the last kids we have." He says. "Even if they're both girls."

Now is Chris's turn to go quiet, and Sebastian begins to think that Chris won't agree to it, considering that they had both agreed to not have any more kids as soon as they've got a little boy.

"I thought we agreed that once we finally have a boy that we're done having kids?" Chris finally asks. "And I thought you wanted a lot of kids?"

Sebastian sits up a little, looking down at Chris. "I did." He starts. "And, I think I still do." He admits. "But I don't really know if I want to be pregnant again after the twins." He says. "There's other options available if we want more kids."

"Adoption takes a very long time and a lot of money though, Seb." Chris says once it's registered in his head what Sebastian is referring to. "Anyway, wouldn't you prefer all our kids to be biologically ours?"

Of course, Sebastian is aware of the long and expensive process that is adoption, but he's not so sure if he wants to get pregnant again after the twins, however many years after they're born it may take. He's interested in adopting a kid though, even though the kid won't be of his and Chris's blood. There's so many children out in the world stuck in orphanages, and if he can give one of them a forever home with him and Chris, then Sebastian will be happy.

Though truthfully, there's only one place he has in mind where he'd like to adopt a kid from.

"I know that, Chris." He says. "But you get a decent pay from your job, so I'm sure we can make it work." He adds. "And, if you're up for it, then we can easily do it."

Chris sighs, moving around so he's sitting up in bed. "Would you still consider adopting a kid if one or both the twins are boys?" He asks.

"Honestly?" Sebastian starts, he's already thought about his answer to that. "Yes, I would."

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