Chapter 27

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"Girls, we need you to behave while your mother goes in for his appointment, okay?" Chris says, helping Emma out of her carseat before getting Sabrina out of hers.

Thankfully Sabrina has calmed down since her outburst regarding the pregnancy, but Chris worries that she's just going to start up again as soon as they're in with Sebastian's midwife. Because of that he had tried to talk Sebastian into getting Laura or Anthony to watch the girls for them, but he still seems set on taking the girls in with them.

"We'll be good, daddy." Emma says, before running off to Sebastian's side and grabbing his hand in hers.

Taissa on the other hand just nods, leaning against the car, looking rather bored about the whole situation. Chris isn't entirely sure if she's very happy about getting another younger sibling or not, but he's just glad she didn't react badly to it like Sabrina did. It seems that Emma is really the only one who's excited about having a new sibling.

"You all good, Seb?" Chris asks, locking up the car while carrying Sabrina in one arm.

Sebastian turns to look at him, smiling a little. "I'm fine, Chris." He says. "Just tired, but what's new?"

Chris notes that there seems to be something bothering him, but doesn't push it. He can already guess it's because of Sabrina's reaction to the pregnancy that's still bothering him. They did expect some sort of negative reaction about the pregnancy from Sabrina, but they weren't expecting her to react as badly as she had done.

"Well, once we're all done here, you can get some rest as soon as we get home." Chris assures him, before they're making their way into the building.

Sebastian breaks away from the others as soon as they're in the building and makes his way over to the receptionist. While he does that, Chris leads the girls over to the chairs and gets them to sit quietly while they wait.

He also rather hopes that they don't have to wait too long for Sebastian's midwife to come get them. He's not sure why, but he often feels a little uncomfortable in these places when they've got to wait for more than he'd like to.

That, and he usually always subconsciously catches a couple omegas and sometimes betas staring at him, even when it's obvious that he's here with his own omega. He doesn't do anything about it though, and he's unsure if Sebastian has ever noticed, if he has, he's never commented on it.

"Okay, my midwife should be out soon." Sebastian says, making his way over to Chris and the girls, taking a seat next to Chris.

Chris nods. "Hopefully she doesn't take too long."

Sebastian nods in agreement. He very much hopes that she won't take too long, as he very much wants to see how the baby is doing and what the gender is. Both he and Chris are hoping that they'll finally have a little boy, though maybe not twin boys like Emma seems to think it'll be. With their luck though, it's likely to be another girl. He really hopes it's a boy this time though.

Thankfully, not too much longer passes by the time Sebastian's midwife, Miss Elizabeth Olsen, comes out from down the hall calling for him. His midwife this time around isn't the same as his previous three pregnancies on the count of his former midwife taking a years absence.

Sebastian was a little uncertain of this new woman at first, but she's kinda grown on him, and she's very sweet too. The fact that she's also an omega much like himself makes it much easier for him to feel comfortable around her. She also happens to be a couple years younger than him, but she appears to know exactly what she's doing - which he is very glad about.

"Alright, Sebastian. You know the drill." Elizabeth says once they're in the exam room, instructing for Sebastian to get seated on the bed and lift his shirt up over his stomach like he's done plenty of times already.

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