Chapter 14

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As soon as Sebastian had finished all his baking, he decided it would be best if he were to have a shower, seeing as he's almost covered in flour. There's no way that he wants to be still covered in flour by the time everyone gets here in a couple hours.

So, while Chris and his mother watch the girls, Sebastian heads on into the bathroom to have a quick shower to clean himself up. Once he gets out of the shower, he debates whether or not he should shave away the stubble on his face that is only just visible, but decides against it for now, and wraps a towel around his waist, heading into his and Chris's bedroom.

As he enters the room, he finds that someone - most likely Chris - has set out some clean clothes for him to wear on their bed. Judging by the outfit, he's guessing that it's Chris that put the clothes out anyway.

It doesn't take too long for him to get changed into the jeans, black Soundgarden t-shirt and blue flannel that had been set out for him to wear, before he's quickly brushing through his wet hair, that is in need of a trim. He doesn't really like growing his hair out too long as it's a bitch to tame. He can only imagine how those with very long hair manage to tame it.

"Chris, where did you put my pills?" Sebastian asks, as he walks down the stairs and into the living room where Chris, the girls, and his mother are currently.

"On top of the fridge." Chris says, looking over towards Sebastian, looking him up and down. "I see you're wearing what I put out for you then."

Sebastian shrugs. "I guess so." He says, before heading off into the kitchen to take his pills.

He takes his pills with a glass of water, before going back upstairs into the bathroom connected to his and Chris's bedroom to put the rest of his pills in the medicine cabinet, which may need a bit of a clean out soon. But that can be done another day. Today, it's Emma's third birthday, so that's the main focus for right now.

Heading back downstairs in the kitchen, Sebastian sets to work on cooking the rest of the food that is going to be needed for this afternoon. Thankfully the rest of the food won't take too long to cook, but there is still quite a bit to cook still.

Then he's still got to make the fairy bread, but that's easy enough to make. All it is, is butter and sprinkles on bread. He'll never understand why the girls like that, as it's literally only bread with butter and sprinkles. At least it doesn't take too long to make.

Once he's finished making the fairy bread, and the three pizzas are almost finished cooking in the oven (thank god their oven is big enough for three pizzas at once), he starts to set everything out on the dining room table. Thankfully Chris decides to show his face and help out so Sebastian isn't doing everything by himself. Though, Sebastian does suspect that Chris has only came out to help for the chance to sneak some food before their guests get here.

"How many bags of popcorn do we need to make?" Chris asks, grabbing the box of popcorn out of the pantry.

"Just one. We've got enough of everything else." Sebastian says, not looking over at Chris, as he takes the pizzas out of the oven to cool down before cutting them up into even slices. "Actually, I think we've got a bit too much of everything."

"Well, yeah probably." Chris says, grabbing one of the packets of microwave popcorn out of the box, before putting it in the microwave. "But everyone loves your baking, so really you've made plenty, as those more than likely won't really last very long."

"You sure?" Sebastian asks, emptying out one bag of chips into a bowl. "Chris, we've still got way too much food. Even if everyone does like my baking."

"Personally I feel as though we've got the perfect amount of food ready for today." Chris says, leaning against the bench near the microwave as the waits for the popcorn to finish popping.

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