Chapter 29

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I don't believe I mentioned this in the previous chapter, but this story is on hold just until I've completed Hot Chocolate and Christmas In The Sun. I just wanted to get this chapter up now cause I had it completed, and I hadn't updated this for like a month (more like two months actually). So this should hopefully hold you all over until I update this again.

Anyway, enjoy!


"Chris?" Sebastian asks, walking into the kitchen where Chris is currently making coffee. "Can you watch the girls? I've got to go to my appointment."

As much as he wants Chris and the girls to go with him to his ultrasound appointment, he'd rather not have to deal with any complaining today. Complaining from Sabrina especially. Ever since they had told the girls about the pregnancy, Sabrina has been nothing but difficult.

Taissa and Emma on the other hand have been fine, Emma especially, but not Sabrina. This is not what Sebastian would've hoped for. Two out of three being fine with what's happening is great and all, but he would've preferred it to be three out of three.

Obviously you can't get everything you want though. Life just isn't fair.

"Alright." Chris says, looking over at him. "How long do you think you'll be?"

Sebastian shrugs. He's not too sure how long he'll be out for. All he knows is that he's got to go to the grocery store afterwards to get a few things.

"Uh, an hour maybe?" He says, not exactly sure. "I have to go to the store afterwards and get a few things."

He's hoping he'll be no longer than an hour, but he feels it may more likely be two hours, depending on how long he'll be at his appointment for.

"Maybe even two hours." He adds. There's also the issue of how long he'll have to wait to be seen by his midwife. Two hours seems more likely and just one hour anyway.

"Sounds good." Chris says, walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hopefully the twins are doing okay." He adds placing a hand on Sebastian's swollen stomach, smiling as he feels one of them kick at his hand from inside Sebastian.

"Well, they're both still kicking a lot, so I'd say they've both been doing okay." He says, placing a hand over Chris's hand. "Also, Elizabeth called. She said that they've got a new machine in so we might hopefully be able to tell the genders this time. If the twins feel like cooperating today."

Chris frowns a little. "Well, if you might be finding out the genders today, then shouldn't I be going with you?" He asks. "I want to be there when we find out the genders."

Sebastian has a feeling that Chris would ask that, and he does want Chris to be there with him, but he's not sure if he can handle it if any of the girls start complaining, especially Sabrina. Se he had decided that it would be best if he goes by himself.

He's also just really wanting some alone time until the twins are born. Alone time isn't an easy thing for him to come by these days.

"As much as I'd love you there, Chris, I just want some alone time." He says. "I don't really get a lot of alone time, and once the twins are born I definitely won't be getting any."

He'd really love for the girls and Chris to be there with him, but he really just needs some alone time before he explodes. It's easy for Chris is get some alone time when he shuts himself away in his office for work, but for Sebastian? The only time he gets any alone time is when Emma is at preschool and Taissa is at school, but that's only when Sabrina is down for her nap - which is becoming harder and harder to accomplish every day. The only other time is when he goes grocery shopping by himself.

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