Chapter 22

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This was meant to be updated way earlier, but both my laptop and my tablet started to play up at the exact same time. They're both mostly working right now though. I've also been working on some new stories behind the scenes and finishing up another story, but I'm hoping to have the next chapter up by at least next week at the earliest. Just bare in mind I'm not a very fast typer.


About a week has passed, and Sebastian is still feeling like utter shit, and Anthony is still staying with them and helping out around the house. Though Sebastian won't lie and say that having Anthony stay with them hasn't been useful, cause the guy has been extremely useful.

With Anthony staying and helping out, Sebastian has gotten a lot more rest than he thought he would, and he's not having to run around after the girls by himself. Unfortunately, the morning sickness is still there, and seems as though it's making no move to piss off any time soon.

Thankfully Anthony hasn't gone ahead and told Chris about the pregnancy before Sebastian is able to do so himself. At least, as far as he's aware of anyway. Well, if Anthony has gone ahead and told Chris about it, he's certain Chris would've called about it by now, or he would have returned home from work early.

Speaking of Chris... Sebastian hasn't actually heard from him for a couple days now. He's assuming he's just too preoccupied with work right now though, and it's not unusual for Chris to not contact him for a couple days while he's away for work. Even so, it still puts Sebastian a little on edge.

"Anthony? Do you mind taking the girls out for a few hours?" Sebastian asks, walking into the living room after just having exited the bathroom to throw up.

"Sure." Anthony says, getting up to round up the girls. "Anywhere specific you want me to take them?"

"The park will do I guess." Sebastian shrugs. "Maybe take them out to get ice-cream or something."

Anthony nods. "Alright, sounds good. I'll see you in a couple hours or so then." He says, before following Taissa and Emma upstairs and carrying Sabrina in his arms. "You just get some rest." He stops in the doorway. "I mean it, man."

"Yeah, I know." Sebastian nods. "All I plan on doing right now is sleep anyway." He says. "By the way, can you stop off at the store and get me some chocolate and some potato chips?"

He's not so sure how easy it is going to be for him to get some sleep right now, but right now is better than nothing. Granted the cats don't all come along hounding him for more food, which he honestly believes is exactly what's going to happen....

Those cats seem to want to be fed every hour of the day, and having three of them now? Not exactly very cheap to buy food for. At least Sooty isn't really one to come meowing at him for food unless he's really hungry. Muffy and Nala though? Those two will no matter what, with Nala even sprinting up and down the hall and stairs just to get his attention. He's surprised she hasn't fallen down the stairs doing that yet, and he seriously hopes that she never does. That's the last thing that they need.

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