Chapter 15

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A month has passed in the Evans family household, and not even a week ago, Sebastian's mother had left to go back to Romania. It was a tearful departure, but with Georgeta promising to come back soon, the girls and Sebastian know that it hopefully won't be very long until they see her again. Though Sebastian had tried to talk her into moving back to America.

Right now though, the summer holidays have started, which means the family gets to spend more time together during the day. Well, that is when Chris isn't shut away in his office working on stuff. But he has to get this work done before the the deadline.

Today though, while Chris is shut away in his office, Sebastian has decided to take the girls out for the day. Where to, he's not so sure just yet. There is a few things that they need to get from the store though, so that's first on the list for today.

He is thinking of taking the girls to the SPCA for a visit for something to do though, so maybe after they've been to a few shops they can go there afterwards. Just as long as the girls behave themselves though. During the hotter weather they tend to be a bit restless, and not really do as they're told.

"Chris, I'm taking the girls out for the day." Sebastian says, walking into Chris's office, which really is more like their little library as most of their books are stacked on shelves upon shelves in this room. Well, minus the shelf that's out in the living room.

"Okay." Chris says, looking over his shoulder at Sebastian from where he sat at the desk with a large a5 visual diary in front of him. "If you go out to the store, can you get me a Redbull?" He asks.

"Sure." Sebastian says, walking over to him. "How's work going?" He asks, sneaking a look at the building design stuff that Chris is working on.

Chris shrugs. "Okay I guess." He says. "I may need to call Steve in a little while though."

"Alright. If you do, tell him I said hi, and him and Bucky." Sebastian says, before kissing Chris on the cheek. "I'll see you in a little while."

"Okay." Chris nods, pulling Sebastian down for a kiss, before letting him leave.

As Sebastian leaves the room, Chris gets back to work on the building designs from the concept sheet that his boss had emailed him earlier. Though, currently he's not very happy with how it's turning out on paper right now. The measurements looks about right, but just the whole thing looks a little messy to him.

He's really going to have to call Steve up about this soon. Maybe see if he's not busy that he can come round and give his opinions on it before he gets to making the blueprints for the building. He likes to get his bosses input on his designs before he gets the final layout done.

For now though, he's just going to go make himself another coffee and take a short break before he gets straight back into work.


"Alright girls." Sebastian starts, getting the three of them buckled into the car. "Who's ready to go out for the day?"

Both Taissa and Emma yell their excitement out to him, while Sabrina just laughs at them from her carseat as she waves her plush black cat toy around.

"Great." He smiles, happy to see all three of his and Chris's girls excited to go out somewhere for the day so that they're not just cooped up in the house bored out of their minds.

Sebastian isn't sure if he would've been able to last another minute in the house with Taissa and Emma complaining that there's nothing to do, so his best option was to take the three of them out for the day. It also gives Chris the opportunity to work in peace at home without the girls bothering him.

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