Chapter 26

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"Are you absolutely sure that you want to take the girls with us when we go in for your appointment?" Chris asks, leaning up against the doorway to the bathroom, watching as Sebastian throws up in the toilet. "Wouldn't it be best to call Laura and ask if she can watch them for us? Or even Anthony?"

Sebastian sighs, leaning back on his knees to look up at Chris. About four months have passed since he found out he was pregnant again, and they've still not told the girls about it yet.

For some reason Sebastian has decided that they should take the girls with them to his ultrasound appointment today, where they'll hopefully be finding out the gender of the baby. A decision that Chris doesn't quite understand when the girls don't even know that their mother is pregnant again.

"Chris, I'm six months pregnant, and we haven't even told the girls about it yet." Sebastian sighs. "Though I think Taissa has some idea of what's going on." He adds, having a feeling that their oldest may have some idea. "I want to take them with us to my appointment so we can find out the gender as a family."

Chris stares down at him, unfolding his arms from his chest. "So... you don't want them to know about you being pregnant before we go in for your ultrasound then?" He asks, a little confused. "I'm not so sure that's a good idea, Seb."

"No, I want you to go down and tell them what's going on right now before we gotta go." Sebastian says, slowly getting up off the floor, resting a hand on his six months pregnant stomach.

"Wait. Just me tell them?" Chris asks, surprised to hear that Sebastian just wants him to tell the girls about it. He would've thought he'd want them both to tell the girls. It would also probably be better if they both told them too. "Wouldn't it be a lot better if we both tell them?"

Sebastian shrugs, making his way over to the sink where he washes his mouth out with mouthwash. "I gotta have a shower, and...." He trails off, not sure what to say.

He knows Chris is right when he says that it would be better if they both told the girls about the pregnancy, but something seems to just be telling him that Chris should be the one to tell the girls, and he's not sure why. Maybe it's because he's still got Chris stuck on mommy duty, but he highly doubts that's the case.

Chris walks over to him, grabbing onto his arms to keep him still, as Sebastian sways a little. This pregnancy has already taken its toll on him, and Chris has noticed that Sebastian has been sleeping a lot way too often now, much more than when he was pregnant with the girls. It seems his energy is being drained way too quickly this time around.

"Sebastian." Chris starts, as Sebastian leans into his hold, resting his head on his shoulder. "We'll tell them together." He says, holding Sebastian close and running his fingers through his hair softly. "Once you've had your shower, we'll tell them together."

The girls may understand it a bit more if they both tell them instead of just one of them. They don't know how the girls will react though, especially Sabrina, who's only a year old. Taissa and Emma have seen this before, so they probably won't react too badly, it's just Sabrina that they're not too sure about how she'll react. They're hoping she won't react too badly, but they really don't know.

"Now, will you be okay with having a shower by yourself while I go get the girls ready?" He asks, checking him over.

"I'll be fine, Chris." Sebastian assures him, moving out of his hold. "You just go get the girls ready then we'll tell them together like you said."

Chris nods, watching as Sebastian walks over to the shower. He knows that Sebastian will more than likely be fine showering on his own, but the fact that his energy has been drained quicker than usual during this pregnancy has him on edge a little.

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