Chapter 25

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"Bucky's pregnant ?" Chris asks, considerably shocked to hear that from his boss, considering the fact that they already have seven kids, and Steve and Bucky are both in their early forties. He honestly thought they'd be done having kids now, especially when they already have a grandson.

Steve laughs a little on the other line, but Chris can't tell if it's fear fuling it, or joy. "Yeah, turns out he was ." He says. "He had the baby last night."

Now that surprises Chris even more. He doesn't recall Steve ever mentioning to him - or anyone in fact - that Bucky was pregnant. Though maybe he didn't feel the need to tell anyone? Chris rather doubts it, Steve has always been proud to talk about Bucky and their kids, so it's rather out of character for him to not mention that Bucky's pregnant.

"He's already had it?" He asks, even more surprised to hear that.

"Yeah. A little girl, a beta, named Juliet." Steve says. "And the both of us had no idea he was even pregnant at all till our son Nathaniel called me." He sighs. "He didn't even show any signs of being pregnant at all. You'd think that after seven and now eight kids he'd show some type of sign." He stops. "Though now that I think about it, he had been eating an insane amount of peanuts, much like he had done when he was pregnant for the first time."

"Jeez." Chris breathes, shaking his head. He's heard of people who've not known they were pregnant until they've gone into labour, but he still finds it a strange occurrence, especially for someone like Bucky who had been pregnant seven previous times. Though he and Sebastian didn't know about Emma until Sebastian was six months pregnant with her. "Is he and the baby okay?"

"They're both fine." Steve says, causing Chris to let out a sigh in relief. "Though, Bucky won't stop complaining about how disgusting the hospital food is, and that they're wanting to keep him and the baby in for a week for observation, considering he just gave birth at 43. The fact that he hates hospitals doesn't help either"

Chris hums in agreement. He's not so fond of hospitals, neither is Sebastian, and the hospital food there is utter shit. He's had to listen to Sebastian complain about the food plenty of times before. He's even had to have it himself a a few times, and it just looks and tastes like crap. The food in the hospital cafes however, aren't that bad, the only problem is how expensive they are. It's a lot cheaper to just sneak in food from the grocery store.

"So you need some new born baby girl clothes?" Chris asks.

"Yeah, we don't have any back at home anymore, seeing as we got rid of them all as we had no use for them as our three youngest kids are all boys, and we also weren't expecting to have another kid." He says. "We would've asked our daughter Harvey if she had any, but she had a boy, and most other people we know are done having kids. You and Sebastian were the only people we could think of to ask at such short notice. We would've asked one of Bucky's sisters, but Bucky is having some personal issues with them right now."

Chris nods, even though Steve can't even see him nod. "Alright. I'll have to talk with Sebastian about what we can part with, but there's a slight problem...." He laughs a little. "Sebastian is pregnant right now. I only just found out today, and knowing our luck, the baby would probably be a girl."

He may very much hope that their next kid will be a boy, but he can't deny the fact that with their luck, it would more than likely be a girl. He and Sebastian also don't quite believe those old wives tales that if you do something, have cravings for a certain type of food, or whatever other things there are that determine if you're having a boy or a girl. They just don't see how that is even possible to predict what gender you're having.

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