Chapter 2

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The sound of a baby crying is the first thing that Sebastian hears when he wakes up. Sitting up, he looks over towards the source of the baby's cries, expecting to see Chris standing over by the bassinet, but he isn't there. In fact, he isn't even in the room at all. However since Sebastian is still in hospital right now, he assumes that Chris is most likely down in the cafe getting something to eat and drink. And Sebastian hopes that he brings something up for him, too.

Slowly, he gets out of bed, wincing a little from the numbing pain between his legs, and walks over towards his little girl, who's crying in her bassinet. Carefully, he lifts her out, only just now taking in just how big she is, and carries her over back to the hospital bed, where he sits down slowly to try and not jostle Sabrina in his arms too much.

"You hungry, baby girl?" Sebastian asks, moving around a little to get comfortable on the bed and pulls down the hospital gown that he's wearing just enough for Sabrina to latch onto his nipple to feed from. "That good, sweetheart?" He asks, holding Sabrina close to his chest carefully as she feeds from him.

Sebastian honestly can't believe how big this little girl is, and he feels as though he's going to be sore for awhile because of how hard it was to push her out. Maybe it's from the fact that she's an alpha that she's a big baby, or maybe it's because she was a week late. Sebastian doesn't really know, but he sure hopes that their next one won't be a big as Sabrina. And if they are, then he'll see about having a c-section instead. Though, despite all the pain, it was well worth it in the end, and he can't wait for Taissa and Emma to meet their new baby sister, once Chris's parents get here with them.

Hopefully Chris's parents will be arriving soon with the girls, as all Sebastian really wants right now, is for all his girls to be with him right now. He also wants Chris here with him too right now, wherever he's gone off to that is.

Because of how caught up he is in gazing down fondly at Sabrina, Sebastian doesn't even notice the door to the room opening, and Chris walking in with a coffee in one hand, and a plastic bag with food in the other. Though, he does catch a whiff of Chris's alpha scent as he walks closer to the side of the bed.

"Hey, Sebastian." Chris starts, setting the food and coffee down on the small table next to the bed. "How're you feeling?"

"Still a little sore." Sebastian says, not taking his eyes off Sabrina. "Has your mom and dad turned up with the girls yet?" He asks. "Or do you know when they'll be here?"

"Not yet." Chris says, shaking his head. "I called my mom a little while after you had Sabrina though, and she said that they'll be here to see you in the morning, since the girls were asleep, as it was kinda late when Sabrina finally decided to pop out." He explains. "My mom just didn't want to wake the girls. But since that was last night, I think they should be arriving in like, an hour, maybe."

Sebastian nods, before looking up at Chris. "What's the time right now anyway?" He asks, glancing round the room to try and find a clock, but he doesn't manage to find one.

"It's eight thirty in the morning." Chris says, getting his phone out of his pocket to have a look at the time. "And I just got a text from my mom saying that they're leaving in about five minutes." He adds. "She also wants to know if there's anything that they want us to grab from our place that we may have forgotten."

"Well. I don't exactly remember you putting my overnight bag into the car, or the bag with some stuff for the baby - like clothes and diapers - and I'm not entirely sure if the baby carseat is in the back of the car right now or not." Sebastian says. "I don't think that because of the rush, we even thought about all that."

Chris frowns at that. "Right." He says. "And yeah, it's not like we really had enough time to grab them anyway." He nods in agreement. "I'll tell my mom to stop by our place on the way here and get them for us." He goes to text his mom back, before looking back over at Sebastian. "And you're most definitely going to need a change of clothes."

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