Chapter 5

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I don't believe I've stated what Chris and Sebastian's ages are in this yet, but Sebastian is twenty six and Chris is twenty seven in this. Then little reminder that Taissa is five, and Emma is nearly three. I've still got to figure out when Taissa and Emma's birthdays will be...

Also, sorry for going M.I.A again... But my laptop is working again for now, so hopefully I can get more chapters done! Though, I'm still trying to finish a couple of fics, and planning out my next five fics...

I also kinda got stuck on writing this chapter, like, I knew what I wanted to happen in it, but actually getting the words written down? Yeah... sometimes I'm no good when it comes to this... Plus, the chapters in this fic are generally longer than the chapters I normally write.

Also, yes. I changed the cover. I wasn't feeling the previous one.


Sebastian wasn't sure what the time was when he was woken up from his nap, but he wasn't expecting Scarlett to already be there before he woke up. Chris must've let her in while he was still asleep.

"I was beginning to wonder when you'd wake up." Scarlett says, as she sits on the armrest of the couch that Sebastian is laying on.

Sitting up, Sebastian ducks his head shyly. He definitely wasn't meant to still be sleeping once Scarlett got here, but here he is, only just waking up from his nap, with Scarlett having already arrived. That definitely did not go as planned...

"Sorry." Sebastian yawns, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "I don't really get much of a chance to sleep around here, what with the new baby and all." He apologizes. "And the fact that I've got Chris, Taissa, and Emma to run round after."

Scarlett smiles at him a little, before getting off the armrest and moving closer to Sebastian. She pulls him in for a hug, rubbing a hand round his back a little, as he rests his forehead on her shoulder tiredly.

Sebastian is embarrassed to admit that he is rather tired right now, but considering the circumstances, it's to be expected. Especially when during the week he's the only one home out of him and Chris to look after the girls. Well, at least it's only to look after two of the girls - now at least - since Taissa has school.

"That's completely fine and understandable, Seb." Scarlett says, pulling out of the hug. "Man, I've got no idea how you do it." She shakes her head. "Three kids, and you're only twenty six."

"Honestly, even though it can be hard, I really enjoy it." Sebastian says. "And, I've got no idea what my life would be like without Chris and our girls." He then stops, looking over towards the stairs, as he hears Sabrina crying on the baby monitor sitting on the coffee table. "Speaking of which, one of them has just woken up."

Scarlett gets up off the couch along with Sebastian, as they make their way upstairs to Sabrina's nursery.

"What's wrong, Bina?" Sebastian says, as he picks up the crying alpha girl in his arms, and gently rocks her in his arms slowly. "What's the matter, sweetheart? You hungry?" He asks, feeling round her diaper through her onesie.

Her diaper didn't appear to feel full, thankfully, as Sebastian doesn't really want to have to change it while Scarlett is in the room. But he suspects that she'll need a fresh diaper soon anyway.

"Wow, she's a big girl, isn't she?" Scarlett says, as she moves closer to Sebastian to get a better look at Sabrina. "I knew you had said on the phone that she's big, but I wasn't expecting her to be this big."

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