Chapter 30

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This is officially off hold now! And if we're lucky, it'll get updated at least once a week starting today! Though after this there's only like, six chapters left. Maybe a couple more if need be.

But! I intend on making a book full of one-shots in this verse. So, instead of a sequel to this, we'll have a book full of one-shots. Which will include stuff like Seb and Chris's time in high school, and a couple one-shots focusing on their kids. Or anything else you guys want to see more of in this verse.

Though should I mention that I'm actually kind of interested in writing a fic of Steve and Bucky from this verse? I don't know if I will for sure yet as there's many fabrics that I want to write instead.


Sebastian can barely keep his excitement in as he waits for Chris is return home with the girls so he can tell Chris the news that they've been hoping for. The twins are both boys. He can't wait to tell Chris the news.

He only just got home about ten minutes ago, and so far Chris isn't back with the girls yet. Though he doesn't recall Chris telling him exactly how long he'd be out for, so all he can do is wait for his return.

He'd call Chris and tell him the news, but wants to do it in person. Plus, knowing Chris he'd probably freak out in public as soon as he finds out, and Sebastian doesn't want that. Nor does he think the girls would want their father to embarrass them like that.

But he feels like he just needs to tell someone about it before he explodes. Only problem is that he wants Chris to be the first one he tells, especially when Chris wasn't the first person he told that he was pregnant.

As he waits for Chris, he tries his best to keep himself occupied, but the excitement just doesn't let him. He can't even find himself taking a nap while he waits cause he's just that excited, despite the fact that he is a bit tired.

Maybe he can put a movie on, and try and sit through it until Chris gets back with the girls. It's been awhile since he's had the opportunity to watch a movie by himself. Only he's not too sure if he'll be able to sit through watching a movie because of his excitement.

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