Chapter 20

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Monday morning, and Sebastian has to physically force himself out of bed. Over the weekend - and carrying on now still - he's felt like utter shit, and just not wanting to do anything... only he's got to take Taissa to school, and Emma to preschool, and Sabrina will still need looking after.

Maybe he should see if Chris can come home early, but that means having to tell him that he's pregnant, and he doesn't exactly want to tell Chris that over the phone. Besides, only a couple more weeks until Chris is home, but will he really be able to cope until then?

The answer to that, is that he honestly doesn't know.... At least Laura is still willing to come over whenever to help look after the girls. He's not sure what he'd do if she couldn't come over and help out, especially now.

"Girls, hurry up and eat your breakfast." He says, leaning against the kitchen counter, as he feels as though he's about to throw up. "I've gotta take you to school soon."

He really doesn't want to have to drive Taissa to school, and Emma to preschool when he's feeling like this.... He doesn't feel well enough to go out at all today.

Looking over his shoulder at where Taissa and Emma sat at the table eating their breakfast, he sighs in relief as they're both eating. He'd eat something himself, but he's not certain if he'd be able to keep whatever he eats down right now, so maybe he'll just get something to eat later on.

Pushing himself up from the kitchen counter slowly, he walks into the living room where Sabrina is currently in her portable cot playing with her cat plush. He'll have to get her dressed out of her pyjamas in a minute for when he drops Taissa off to school and Emma to preschool.

Then again, it won't really matter if he leaves Sabrina in her pyjamas when they head out. They'll be headed straight home afterwards anyway.

Deciding on not worrying about getting Sabrina out of her pyjamas right now, he sits down on the couch, needing to just sit for a moment.

He's got no idea why this pregnancy is already taken it's toll on him when he's already at the most two months along give or take. His last three weren't this bad, so why is this one different?

Secretly he hopes that the reason it's a lot different is because it's a boy this time, but he honestly doubts it. He just hopes it's not twins, especially with the rate that this pregnancy is going.

Groaning in pain, he wraps his arms around his stomach, leaning forward a little. Maybe he should just let Taissa and Emma stay home today, cause he really doesn't want to leave the house at all today. Then again, he's not too sure how he'll cope with a full house by himself today....

Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, he contemplates texting Laura and asking if she's available today, but he stops as he remembers that she's working at the book store today. He supposes she could be able to drop the Taissa and Emma off at their schools, but he doesn't exactly want to bother her, even though she'd probably drop them off for him.

He supposes he could text Anthony though. He knows Anthony never works on Mondays most weeks, which he's actually not sure why that is....

Sighing, he clicks on Anthony's contact and sends him a text asking him if he could do him a favor and drop Taissa and Emma off at school and preschool for him as he's not feeling well enough to drive anywhere.

It doesn't take to long for Anthony to text back saying that he's on his way over now, which causes Sebastian to sigh in relief at the fact that he doesn't need to drive anywhere today. Though he has a feeling that when Anthony gets here, he's going to ask what exactly is wrong, and if he does, Sebastian isn't sure whether or not he should tell him the truth....

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