Chapter 12

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Later on during the day around lunchtime, Sebastian starts to feel a lot better. Though he still feels a bit off, but not as bad as he had felt as soon as he had woken up. Which he considers a good thing, since he's still got to go out grocery shopping.

Thankfully though, he's not having to drive to the grocery store, as his mother has offered to drive him there, while Chris stays home and looks after both Emma and Sabrina. Sebastian definitely is thankful for that, as he's not sure how he'll manage to cope taking both Emma and Sabrina to the grocery store with them while he's still not feeling one hundred percent sober.

"I don't even know what we're needing more of." Sebastian sighs, as he sits at the table with a pen and paper to write down the shopping list for today.

Usually he doesn't need to write a shopping list, but he feels like it's probably a good idea to write one for today. Except, he really doesn't know what they need more of. He does know that they need more of the basics though, like bread, milk, eggs, cheese, and toilet paper, but everything else? He's not entirely sure. Though, he knows more cat food needs to be bought.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out once you get to the grocery store, Seb." Chris assures him, walking into the kitchen with Sabrina securely in his arms. "Don't forget we need more stuff for Tai's school lunches." He says.

"Yeah, I know." Sebastian says, waving Chris off. "I've already got that written down. Though, she doesn't seem to like those muesli bars any more."

"I don't blame her. They don't taste very nice." Chris says, making a face.

Sebastian looks up at him. "What are you doing eating the things for her school lunches anyway, Chris?" He asks. "Wait, I don't remember making her school lunch last night...." His eyes widen.

"Don't worry, I made her lunch for her this morning." Chris says. "You were wasted when we got home last night, so you went straight to bed."

"Good." He sighs in relief. "I would've hated for her to go to school without her lunch."

He turns to look down at the piece of paper in front of him, tapping his pen on the table, trying to figure out what else they need to buy. So far all he's got written down is; bread, milk, eggs, toilet paper, cheese, cat food, coffee, sugar, and stuff for Taissa's school lunch for the rest of the week and next week. What else they need more of though, he's still trying to figure that out.

"Chris, how good are we on shampoo and conditioner?" He asks.

"I'm not sure. I think we need more?" Chris says, but it comes out more like a question. "But I'm not sure."

Sebastian nods, writing it down anyway. It wouldn't hurt to get more shampoo and conditioner anyway. They probably don't really need anymore, as the girls are the main ones who use more of it, seeing as their hair is longer than both Sebastian and Chris's hair.

Now he just needs to figure out what else they need. But he really can't think what else they need that's not more of the basics like bread, milk, eggs, coffee, cheese, toilet paper, and basics in their household, cat food. Whatever else they need, has completely escaped his mind.

Though, he does know that they need more stuff for dinners, so add some form of meat onto the list, along with vegetables and some fruit. Other than that though, he has no idea. Maybe it would be best to just wait till he and his mother get to the grocery store and then just buy the basics and then whatever else he thinks they may need. That probably sounds like the easiest way to go.

"Maybe I should just get the basics, and then figure out what else to buy while in the store." He sighs, setting the pen down on the table, before looking up at Chris. "You'll be good here with Emma and Sabrina, right?"

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