Chapter 35

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Chris sits in the arrivals area of the airport waiting or Georgeta's flight to arrive. It shouldn't be too long until it arrives now, only about half an hour at the most. Then they can head on back home.

He just hopes nothing has happened while he's been gone. Though he's not gotten any phone calls yet, and Anthony will for sure be calling him if anything at all happens, so he's about ninety percent sure that he has nothing to worry about.

But either way, he keeps checking his phone every five minutes or so for any texts or missed calls. The last thing he wants is for something to happen and he doesn't hear his phone go off. And considering how loud it is in here, it's entirely likely that he may not hear his phone going off.

With Sebastian being close to the twins due date, he'd rather not miss any calls from him or Anthony. In fact, he'd rather is he didn't have to leave him alone right now, but he had no other choice. He has to pick up his mother from the airport after all.

And even though Sebastian doesn't know that he's gone to the airport to pick his mother up, Chris just knows that Sebastian would be mad at him if he just left his mother alone at the airport to find her own way to them, just so he could stay back with him in case of emergency.

So the best solution was to just call Anthony and get him to watch Sebastian and the girls for him while he's gone.

He takes a sip of his coffee out of the cup he's holding, and looks around. The airport is packed like usual in the arrivals area just as it usually is. But so far, no signs of Georgeta or her plane. But Chris had arrived at the airport early to pick her up, and there's still around half an hour give or take until her plane gets in.

He'd get up and look around the gift shops or get another coffee since he's almost finished his cup, but he'd rather just stay put. The shops are no doubt packed right now - they were when he got here - and he'd just rather not deal with any of that. He already had enough of it when he got his coffee from the little coffee bar. That was too packed in there for his liking and it took him far too long to get a six dollar cup of coffee.

He's not going to deal with that again. Especially not at six dollars a cup.

So all he can do is just sit and wait for Georgeta's plane to arrive. And worry about Sebastian back at home.

He really hopes that nothing will happen while he's gone. There's still roughly three weeks until the twins due date, but they can still come any day now. Sebastian's midwife, Elizabeth, had warned them that the twins may come early.

Checking his phone again, he doesn't find any texts or missed calls. Which he's relieved about for the time being. Just because he's not got any texts or calls, doesn't mean everything's okay. But he's going to choose to believe that everything's fine. It's the only thing that he can do.

Around half an hour has passed by the time an announcement is played over the speakers announcing that Georgeta's flight has landed, and Chris sighs in relief. Glad that her flight has finally arrived. Now as soon as he finds her they can head on back home.

Getting up, he disposes of his second coffee cup (he had decided fuck it, and went to get another coffee while he waited, even though it takes forever to get anything), and makes his way through the arrivals area, trying to spot Georgeta.

And it only takes him around ten minutes at the most to find her carrying one bag and dragging along a suitcase behind her.

Chris waves out to her as he walks towards her, and as soon as she spots him, she smiles, and makes her way over to him.

"Hello, Chris." Georgeta says, hugging him as they reach each other.

"Hey, it's good to see you again." Chris says, hugging her back. "Sebastian and the girls will be so glad to see you."

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