Chapter 24

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It may seem as though Sebastian had misjudged how far away Anthony would be with the girls, as his and Chris's alone time together is cut shorter than they would've liked. Even so, Sebastian makes no move to get up off Chris as he lays atop of him on the couch, a bit of an awkward position given their similar heights, but they've managed to make it work nonetheless.

"Sounds like Anthony is back with the girls." Chris says, running his fingers through Sebastian's hair, as he looks over towards the direction of the front door.

Sebastian sighs, snuggling up closer to Chris, resting a hand on his still kind of flat stomach. "I don't fancy getting up anytime soon. You're just too comfortable."

Chris chuckles, shaking his head. "I appreciate that, Seb. But you do know that once Anthony walks through the front door with the girls, the first thing the girls will do when they see me is jump on me."

"Well, of course they will, Chris." Sebastian sighs. "They haven't seen you in nearly a month." He reminds him. "Besides, I think once they see the puppy, they'll forget that you're even home. You know how much the girls have been wanting a dog."

Just like Chris said they would, as soon as the girls walk into the living room, with Anthony following along behind them, pushing along Sabrina's pushchair and carrying a few shopping bags, the girls are running straight over to their father. Which as a result, causes Sebastian to have to get off of Chris, so they can both sit up on the couch.

"Daddy's home!" Taissa exclaims as she and Emma run over to him, climbing onto the couch and hugging him tight, while Sabrina squeals in delight at the sight of her father as Anthony gets her out of the pushchair.

Anthony falters slightly as he sees Chris sitting there on the couch with Sebastian. He thought Chris would still be gone for another week, but here he is now, at home. Glancing over at Sebastian, he can't help but feel as though the guy is going to blame him for going behind his back and telling Chris about the pregnancy. Which he did not do, as much as he felt like he should do so. Omegas need their alphas home with them as much as possible during this time. Apparently it makes it just that much easier to go through instead of the omegas having to deal through it alone.

"Alright, Seb." Anthony starts, once he's got Sabrina out of her pushchair. "Before you say anything, I did not call Chris." He backs away a little, expecting Sebastian to jump at him, accusing him of going behind his back and telling Chris.

Sebastian laughs, shaking his head. "I know, Anthony." He says, which causes the Anthony to relax. "He came home early."

Anthony sighs in relief, nodding as he goes to take the shopping into the kitchen. Though he stops as soon as he sees the puppy curled up asleep in the middle of the kitchen floor with one of the cats, Nala, sitting next to it, purring as she licks the top of the puppy's head.

"Uh...." He trails off, looking from the cat and the puppy, over to Sebastian and Chris. "I don't mean to alarm you, but it seems like one of your cats - Nala from the looks of it - has found a puppy, and appears to be... uh... mothering it...." He's never really seen a cat and a dog look that content in each other's presence.

He also doesn't recall Chris and Sebastian ever having a puppy, and considering he's been staying here for the past week to help Sebastian out around the house and with the girls, he'd know if they have a puppy or not. It's not like a puppy is an animal that you don't even notice is in someone's house.

Sebastian huffs out a sigh, looking at Chris, then to Anthony. "Chris brought a puppy home with him." He then looks back at Chris. "Without telling me first."

Chris shrugs at Anthony, trying to ignore the frustrated glare Sebastian is sending him. "I found him on the side of the road."

"The side of the road?" Anthony questions, looking back towards the puppy. "You sure he didn't already have an owner?"

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