Chapter 18

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A week has passed since Chris had left for work, leaving Sebastian at home with the girls, and so far things have been going okay for them. Sebastian still has to call Laura in to babysit the girls whenever she's not already busy, but other than that, everything has been going pretty well for them. Well... up until now that is....

As soon as Sebastian wakes up, he feels like absolute shit, and is running straight to the bathroom to throw up, before sitting on the floor next to the toilet leaning up against the wall. He's not so sure what has brought on this sudden sickness, he assumes it's just something that he ate though.

Then again... when he was in heat about a month ago, he can't quite remember if Chris had worn a condom or not. He hopes he did though, but he truly can't remember. As much as he wants more kids, he's not certain whether or not he wants to be pregnant again just yet. Especially not when he and Chris had agreed on no more kids until Sabrina is at least two or three.

Maybe he should go out to the store and buy a pregnancy test or two just in case... and call Laura and ask if she can watch the girls for him while he's out. He doesn't fancy taking the girls to the store with him when he only needs to get one thing.

Well... actually maybe he needs to get more than one thing from the store. They might be running a little low on cat food. The problems of having three cats instead of one... needing to buy a lot more cat food to feed them all. At least the three of them are easy enough to feed, Muffy and Sooty more so than Nala.

It takes him longer than necessary to get up off the floor and freshen himself up, but when he does, he heads straight back to bed to sleep off this icky feeling as best as he can until he really needs to get up. It is still early in the morning after all, and the girls will still be asleep right now anyway as it's the weekend currently. They usually sleep in lot on the weekends, which usually means that Sebastian gets a few extra hours of sleep before he has to get up.

Climbing back into bed slowly, he pulls the covers right over his head, and curls up under the blankets as he hugs Chris's pillow close to him. If Chris was home right now he'd have some form of comfort while he's feeling terrible. But for now, he's just going to try and sleep off this gross feeling until it's absolutely necessary for him to get up.

He just hopes that Laura isn't busy today so she can watch the girls for him while he goes out to the store... and hopefully by then he's feeling at least a little bit better....


"Thanks for coming over, Laura." Is the first thing Sebastian says, opening up the front door to let the beta inside.

Thankfully when he had called her earlier asking if she could watch the girls for him today, she wasn't busy with anything.

"It's no problem, Sebastian." She smiles, waving him off, as she walks on in through the door. Though, as soon as she sees how miserable Sebastian is looking, she stops, frowning at him. "Wow, you look like shit. You okay?" She asks.

"Just feeling a little nauseous." He shrugs. "But, I'll be fine. I don't feel as bad as I did earlier this morning though."

It's true. Even though he still feels like utter crap, he doesn't feel as bad as he did earlier, so he must've slept most of it off. He has yet to throw up again, so that's good. Throwing up isn't exactly a very fun thing to do after all.

The only thing is, is that he doesn't really feel up to going out to the store, even though he has to. He's sure he can power through walking around the store to get what he needs though. All he needs to get, is more cat food, bread, milk, and a couple pregnancy tests. Maybe some chocolate... that always makes him feel better... so does pizza actually. Maybe he'll get a frozen pizza as well.

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