Chapter 19

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Four positive pregnancy tests.... Sebastian finds it a little difficult to hold back the tears, before he's rushing over to the toilet to throw up.

He never wanted to get pregnant again just yet. He and Chris planned to have another when Sabrina's at least two, not when she's barely a year old. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Luckily though, he knows for certain that Chris will be happy to hear the news, but Sebastian isn't exactly feeling very joyful about it. Sure he wants to keep the baby, he can't really picture himself going to get an abortion, but he's still not very joyful about this. Not when he's gotten pregnant ahead of when he and Chris had intended.

Slowly getting up from the ground, he flushes the toilet, before cleaning himself up. He feels terrible right now, not as bad as he did earlier this morning, but it's close, and he just wants to go lay down.

Though, he's got to figure out how he's going to tell Chris that he's pregnant again. He doesn't want to disrupt him from his work. That will probably cause Chris to come straight back home, and even though Sebastian would love for Chris to be him with him right now, Chris has to work to make money for them.

Curling up on the bed, Sebastian wraps his arms round his stomach, and just stares at the wall. He's got a very bad feeling that this pregnancy may take it's toll on him, judging by this bout of nausea, and he certainly isn't looking forward to that, especially not when his past three pregnancies went by smoothly.

Though, he does very much hope that it's a boy this time round, and not another girl. Which isn't to say that he won't be happy with another girl because he would be very much happy about that, just with a little bit of disappointment.

He just really wants a boy this time, and so does Chris. They're out numbered by girls in this house (not counting the cats), and at least one boy would be perfect. If it is another girl though, that just adds onto the joke that they only seem to be able to make girls....

Sighing a little as his phone goes off, he grabs it to find Chris calling him on video chat, which causes him to sit up slowly. He most certainly wants to hear and see Chris, and how convenient that he calls right when he's not feeling too good.

"Hey, Chris." Sebastian says, as soon as he presses the answer button and Chris's face pops up onto the screen. "How's work?"

"Hey, Seb." Chris says. "Work is good. Fucking cold here right now though. Stupid rain.... I thought the weather is meant to be getting warmer?"

Sebastian laughs a little at that. "It's not bad here." He says, before frowning. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Seb, and the girls." Chris says back, frowning.

"They miss you too." Sebastian says, before laying back down on the bed, propping his phone up against one of the pillows. "Laura is downstairs watching them for me."

As a cramp runs through him, he lets out a small distressed whimper at the pain, wrapping an arm round his stomach. He has no doubt that he'd probably be running to the bathroom to throw up again soon.

"Are you okay, Seb? You don't look too good." Chris asks, concern evident in his voice as he only just manages to hear his omega letting out a small whimper in distress.

Sebastian looks away at that. He knows that he should tell Chris about the pregnancy, but he doesn't want it to cause Chris to come home from work early, as much as he'd love for him to do so. Besides, he's going to tell Chris about it as soon as he returns home.

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