Chapter 21

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With Anthony staying for the week, and possibly a bit longer, Sebastian can honestly say that it feels like some sort of weight has been lifted off his shoulders. If only it would stop the terrible nausea that he's feeling... he's still got to unfortunately deal with that, but having Anthony there to help out isn't turning out as bad as he thought it would be.

He had to call Laura and tell her that he doesn't need her help watching the girls for now though as Anthony is now here to help. It gives Laura some time to herself and her friends, along with her being able to take on a couple more shifts at her main job at the bookstore, so Sebastian assumes it's a good thing for her.

Luckily the girls are happy with Anthony staying with them for awhile. He can't really say the same for the cats though, or at least just Sooty. Sooty isn't too keen on Anthony as they've discovered... well really it's mostly him just being a little skittish, which isn't all that different from how Sooty is around Chris and Sebastian. Muffy just doesn't give a fuck, while Nala almost won't leave him alone.

"You okay, man?" Anthony asks, leaning up against the bathroom door as Sebastian throws up in the toilet for possibly the fifth time this morning.

"No." Sebastian groans. "I can't keep anything I eat down." He says. "This fucking sucks."

Anthony watches him carefully. He's never seen Sebastian have morning sickness this bad, but he's never really been around Sebastian while he's like this to begin with. Sure he's been around Sebastian while he had been in the first trimester of his previous pregnancies, but it was never really when he had morning sickness.

"The morning sickness was never this bad with the other three." Sebastian sighs, leaning up against the wall next to him. "Well, with Sabrina it was a bit bad, but not nearly as bad as this."

"Well maybe this is a sign you're gonna have a boy this time round." Anthony says, trying to cheer him up. "Then again... it could just be from the fact that this is your fourth pregnancy."

"Well, I sure do hope it means that it's a boy this time." Sebastian says, getting up off the floor slowly to clean himself up. "I think I may need to get some of those pills to help with the morning sickness."

"I can go out and get them for you if you want?" Anthony offers. "It's what I'm here for after all. To help out."

Sebastian looks over at him. "Would you?" He asks, relieved that he doesn't have to leave the house to go out to the pharmacy.

"Sure." Anthony nods. "You just rest up here, and I'll go out and get them for you." He says. "Do you want me to get any snacks from the store while I'm at it?"

"Yeah, if I can manage to hold it down." Sebastian says, splashing water on his face. "Something salty, like potato chips or something... and a pack of those peanut butter m&ms."

He's not sure of he'll be able to keep the food down, but he's really craving something salty right now.

"Alright. I'll be back soon." Anthony says. "You just go lay down on the couch and watch TV or something."

Sebastian nods, following along behind Anthony after cleaning himself up. Maybe watching something on TV will distract him from throwing up, at least for a little while.

"Do you want me to take Sabrina with me, or will you be fine watching her?" Anthony asks, as they both walk into the living room, where Sabrina is playing with her toys in her portable cot.

"She'll be fine here." Sebastian says, making his way over to the DVD shelf, grabbing down season 2 of Breaking Bad to watch.

Anthony leaves soon after that, and Sebastian sets up the DVD player so he can start on season 2 of Breaking Bad. Probably not a very good idea to play it while a one year old is in the room, but Sabrina is busy playing with her toys so it shouldn't be too bad. It's not like she'd understand what's going on in the show anyway.

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