The start of it all.

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Hi, I'm Julia. And this is a story about how in life, NOTHING ever goes as expected.

It all started one summer afternoon before my freshman year of high school. I decided to text this one guy who I really liked. His name was Lucas. He stood at 6'0, had warm sun kissed skin, a defined jawline, round gentle eyes, pink bubblegum lips, and raven black hair. He was such a beautiful human being and I remember talking to him for hours at a time until one of our phones would die out.

  Our conversations though, were never the less, AWKWARD. When I say awkward, I mean AWKWARD. It was sad in a way. I remember when I told him that I liked him and he basically friend zoned me.

  We still continued to talk regardless. I just didn't want to stop talking to him. He considered me one of the few girls he was cool with though. It hurt but I didn't care.

Now unfortunately, during the summer in the last two weeks of summer my phone's screen got damaged. I had to leave it with my mom in LA because my parents were divorced and I lived with my dad so I was just visiting her for the summer. My step dad said he'd get it back to me as soon as he could. So I couldn't receive any of my Kik messages, Snapchat messages, texts, or dm's. When I got back to Fremont I logged into Facebook with ease so I could still message some people. Lucas and I were doing okay as friends.

Soon enough it was time for school. It was time to face it. I hated it. It wasn't just that but I had to face all of the drama of the previous year. The drama was closed, or somewhat at least. (will be explained if I write another book) My day was normal, never did I have to face Lucas that first day. Then the next day came and I saw him during lunch, I wanted to approach him but I just couldn't. He saw me and he stayed put too.

The days passed with ease but with pain. He stopped texting me and it felt like he cut me off. Or he just didn't want to be associated with me anymore. I felt hurt, forgotten, insignificant. I was used to it. But I couldn't stand seeing him anymore. I wanted what I couldn't have so I did what was best for me. I went on with my life. I kept moving forward.

Soon enough the Back to School Dance was coming up. My best friends Esperanza and Jay were pushing me to go ask him out to the dance and I kept telling them no until Esperanza dragged me to him and I didn't want to look like an idiot so, I said what they were all waiting for, "Hey Lucas, can we talk alone?" He just nodded.

"What's up" He asked his voice monotone and his face emotionless.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me." I said reluctantly.

He looked me square in the eye and said, "I'll take you to the dance but I won't be dancing, I'll be in the gym playing basketball." I wanted to go hide in a corner knowing that what I had just asked was a bad idea. It took me a moment to swallow what I wanted to project at him. "Yeah, whatever." I spat. He just looked so cold and I didn't want to find out why.

Though,I should have realized that someone like him could never like someone as ugly as me. Some of you think I'm joking. I'm 5'4, I have dark olive skin, and I barely have eyebrows if I don't fill them. You're thinking That's not so bad. No I just haven't finished my description. I'm covered in stretch marks on my sides to the sides of my thighs to my butt. I have some on my arms too. And I have dark hair that needs to be either blow dried or straightened. I'm just not a pretty person. Why would someone that hot have anything anywhere near feelings towards me?

A couple of days before the dance Esperanza was playing basketball with Lucas. She's 5'0 and he's 6'0 so you could say he had a little bit of an advantage. I laughed at the tiny, peachy skinned, thick girl screaming and laughing in frustration at the tall dark monster. Monster, player, they're the same thing.

Meanwhile, I had my own game going on. With ease I passed the boys I was playing against and put up the ball to make a lay up, a followed by a swish. I laughed at the groans escaping the sweaty and tired boys' mouths. At the corner of my eye I saw Esperanza arguing with Lucas. I didn't know why so I called her over, "ESPERANZAAAAA!!" She looked over and came towards me.

"Yeeeeeessss?" She said with a melody. I gave her a glare and asked, "What're you arguing about?"

She took a moment to contemplate whether or not she should tell me the truth and then decided to lie. "Oh, nothing." I drew in my arm with a pointed finger and she flinched and rushed to cover her sides. She then reluctantly told me, "I'm trying to get him to give you basketball lessons, but you aren't helping at all with the way you're playing. That's why I'm trying to beat him in basketball, because if he loses he has to give you lessons." I was slightly pissed off that she would do that with out my consent.

"NO. I don't need any help nor do I want any help with the way I play basketball, especially not from, him."

"Fine." Esperanza said and walked away.

I had to work on somethings during the dance and so I technically asked him to the dance just to stand him up. I doubt he would've taken me anyway so it didn't matter.

Even though, I still found him during the dance to apologize. After the dance Esperanza and Jay found me to ask how it went. "Crappy. I had to work at the dance so I asked him to the dance just to stand him up." They just frowned.

"Did you say sorry? Or did he not show up either?" Jay asked. Remembering how desolate I felt to have to watch him play basketball from the area I was working, hurt. "JULIAAAAAA???" I was pulled away from my thoughts by Jay herself.

"Huh?.. Oh no he was there. I said sorry. But it wasn't very much of a reaction he was just like 'Oh.' Just face it guys. He doesn't care. Never did, never will."

On our way home Jay shared some interesting things with me. "I asked him if he would just dance to one song with you and walk you home. He said he would rather give you a fist bump." Really a freaking fist bump? "Then he walked away." I was initially mad at her for thinking I'm that pathetic. And then I was also mad at him for blatantly friend zoning me. From that day forward I vowed to myself that I would move forward and forget about him and that summer...

Ahhhhhhhh first chapter!!! I think I might actually finish this story guys. I've created a story line on this one and I really like it. There will be multiple point of views in this story and I'll try to release new chapters every week so yeah. Stay tuned for the next chapter in Sh*t Happens

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