I'm Fine!!!!

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  Julia's POV

  We spent the rest of the night talking and eating before we fell asleep. I was still in pain but I managed to eat and sleep normally.

  "Wakey, wakey!" Aaron threw a pillow at me and Esperanza.

  I responded with the finger. "Oh, c'mon. Don't be crude. We have to get to school and it's already 6:50." The moment he finished that sentence I raced to sit up and get ready, but stopped at getting up.

  "Argh!" I screamed remembering the injuries I acquired from my parents.

  "It's okay, I'll get the meds." Esperanza said. She left the room leaving me alone with Aaron.

  "How'd you sleep?" He question while running his hand through his dark hair.

  I rubbed my shoulder and responded, "Well. I think I only slept better because my two best friends were there to comfort me though."

  He gave me a cheeky smile.

  We got through the rest of our morning and got to school on time.

  When we got to school the whole group was there to greet me. They all smiled though I could see the sorrow in their eyes. They plastered smiles on their faces because they knew I hated being pitied. I looked to Kolton who couldn't look at me.

  "Hey, Kolton..." He looked up and shook his head.

  "I thought we were close Jules, I thought you could tell me everything. I never kept anything from you. I never lied. Did I do something to make you think you couldn't trust me?" He was on the verge of letting a tear fall. When he turned away I caught it, the tear. He began to walk away.

  I was going to run after him but they all put their hands on my back and looked at me. I knew it was to tell me to let him be but he was right.

  "You didn't tell any of us. I didn't keep secrets from you. None of us did, for christ's sake, how could we?! You were always the first person we came to. You are our sanctuary and we are yours. None of us knew each other a few years ago. He shouldn't have said that." Esperanza spoke out when I broke away from their grasps.

  "I know. I understand why he feels that way though. I know him better than anyone." I said before turning away to catch up to him.

  He was still walking when I got to him, I couldn't breathe by then of course and I felt like my legs were caving in but who cares? "What do you want?" He was still mad.

  "Kolton, please just talk to me. I'm sorry." I begged him

  "No you aren't Jules!" He stopped to face me and the sudden cease of movement caused me to collapse. Next thing I knew everyone was running towards me and I was being helped off the ground. Once I regained my balance I stood still.

  "You know, I thought you would be understanding of me for once..." I said whilst fixing my bandages and then walking away with Aaron into our first class of the day.

The day went by slowly but it went by. Throughout the whole day people kept askingif I was okay. It was annoying as hell but I only responded with, "I'm fine."

  I was walking to Don's with Aaron and Esperanza when we were stopped by someone. "Julia! Hey! Wait up!" Lucas called out to us while he was running. I could hear his foot steps only getting louder.

  I stopped walking and turned around on my heels. "Yes?" I asked kindly, crossing my arms over my chest.

  Aaron and Esperanza gave him a questioning look almost as if debating on whether or not to kick him in the balls or carry me away from him. I held my ground and waited for him to reach us. "Hey... I heard... about... what happened." He said through his breaths. I let him fix his breathing before responding.

  "And?? Your point?" I said with a cruel tone. I was waiting for a response but instead he gave me a hug, careful to not put too much pressure. It was like he knew what it was like to be hugged when severely bruised.

  He whispered in my ear, "My point is that I'm thankful you're still alive." He pulled away and then continued to talk, "So how is Jace taking it?" The mention of his name made me weak.

  "He broke up with me when I woke up." I said carefully. I fidgeted and looked down when I admitted this. Lucas' face seemed to twist. He was angry.

  "What the hell? Why? After you had to go through all of this too? I swear-" I cut him off.

  "It's ok you don't need to do anything. I'm fine. Really." He looked at me questioningly and I just smiled. He frowned because he knew that I was faking it.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Esperanza and Aaron softening their hard looks. They liked him a bit more now. I looked at Lucas and grabbed him by the shoulders to pull him down to my height. "I am fine. If I want to talk about it with you, I will. I promise." He smiled at me. I know it was fake but at least I know that he can accept it.

Aaron, Esperanza, and I turn back towards Don's. Man, I can wait to get some pancake corndogs. Especially with how long this day has been.

"So are you good with how today went?" Asked Esperanza. I hate that everyone keeps checking in. Like people only care when something bad happens.

"I'm fine! Ok? Why does everyone keep asking if I'm okay? You see me breathing, so obviously I'm fine!" I just couldn't deal with everyone asking.

Word count: 980

Author's note: Yes, yes. I know it's short. Keep calm though, I'm going on spring break this week and I promise there will be more than usual updates.

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