Cyrus, Skylar, and Kingston

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Cyrus' POV

  I got into break dancing to distract me from home. I guess they just don't really understand me. I never really ever had anyone to talk to.

  When I met Esperanza I was happy, she kept me up. She kept me balanced. Freshman year she broke up with me, I never knew why. I still loved her. 

  She's the most amazing person I've ever met. She's funny, kind, smart, determined. She held me up. 

  We stayed close friends even when we were broken up.

  She was the very first person that I've ever opened up to about my life. I have never been good at opening up. 

  We always had the hangouts but it was never mandatory to be open about your life. We all just opened up because we were comfortable with each other. It really helped me, talking to the group. My eyes became open to more things in the world and I learned how to look from other people's perspectives. 

  All of us bring something to the group I guess you could say. Esperanza brings support no matter what and smiles, Julia brings respect, responsibility, and empathy, Jay brings realism, Skylar brings optimism, Yasmine brings spontaneity, Holden brings stability, Kingston brings hype, Madeline brings hostility, Aaron brings hospitality, and I bring the music. Together we create a family of love.

  The people who joined us benefited from us and held qualities that joined to the ones I've already said. I think that's why we work together so well. We are a variety of characters that work together in harmony. 

  I love this family. They pulled me the extra mile that Esperanza couldn't. 

Skylar's POV

  I wasn't always as happy as I am right now. I was once on the verge of committing. I wanted to. Then that night Madeline texted me. She distracted me and gave me a reason to keep going. We found our group one day and it was fun. 

  Julia created these hangouts and we spent a lot of time with each other. Eventually everyone was shipping Madeline with me and I grew a pair and told her how I felt. She felt the same way and we got together. 

  This group was always there to help us whenever we had problems. We were always to fix it in our hangouts. The hangouts kept our relationships healthy. Nothing ever went according to plan for us. What can I say? Shit Happens. ;)

  I vowed that I would never let another soul go through or consider what I did that night. And thanks to my friends I have kept it ever since. 

Kingston's POV

  My family never really payed a lot of attention to me... I sort of just existed. 

  My older sister was always a handfull so they always had to keep an eye on her and then I had other siblings that were either older or younger than me. I was the middle child. I was the average child. I did nothing that deserved a pat on the back but I also did nothing that deserved a kick in the nuts.

  I eventually just believed that I was bound to just exist in this world with no real purpose. I believed that there was nothing for me. I met and made a lot of friends during that time though. 

  They helped me believe that I actually am something more than what I feel. They took care of me and supported me in ways that my family never did. They became the family that I needed but never had. 

  With every passing day I grow to love this family more and more.

                                                               Word count: 610

Author's Note: Still short, I know. I have one more update that will be later tonight so stay tuned. Then tomorrow we'll be back on track with normal 2-3, 1000-2000 worded chapter. 


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