Wounds Reopened

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When we got back to the group everyone was looking at me worriedly. "You okay?" Jace and Kolten asked simultaneously. I smiled and nodded at everyone. They all stared at Esperanza for confirmation. She gave them a reassuring look.

Later on that day, Jace was walking me home and he brought up the morning, "Hey what happened this morning?" He and Esperanza know how bad I am at running so he knew why I was panting.

"Nothing big, I just ran. That's all." I smiled at him to try to reassure him and instead of closing the case, he just kept digging.

"I know you're lying. What actually happened?" He interrogated.

"Nothing! I was running, okay? Is it wrong to run? Am I not allowed to run for fun?" I exclaimed frustrated that he wouldn't give up. He usually gives up, why does he have to keep trying now of all times?

"Jules, you hate running. You hate when we have to run a lap on the track. You take zeros on our miles because you hate it that much." He just kept talking about it, "Don't yell at me just because you wanna keep secrets." That one got me. I was mad but he was right. I shouldn't have yelled at him.

"Jace, babe, I'm sorry. You're right I shouldn't have yelled at you. I know it seems shady, but trust me. I'm just not ready to talk about it. I'm sorry." The corners of his mouth turned down and he looked wounded.

"I think I'll just talk to you later. " He said monotonously and walked away. I know he's mad. I know I should chase after him like in movies, but this isn't a movie.

Instead of chasing after him or going home to cry, I turned my heel and went to Aaron's house. Aaron was my best guy friend up until I fell for him. Yes, I know I have a lot of my heart to give. We patched things up after a few months. This was in like 7th grade so obviously we've fixed it by now.


"Ew, what do you want?" The kind voice of the 6'3 beauty asked playfully. He's still hot. He was short in 7th grade. I have no idea what the hell happened but whatever it was, it was good for him. He's now 6'3, with piercing dark eyes, a beautiful playboy haircut, peachy skin, a clean shave with a sharp jawline, sunset pink lips, and 5 little beauty marks freckled on the right side of his face.

"Nice to see you too." I laughed and he joined me, then he pulled me into a tight hug. He was so freaking tall. My head was right where his heart lay. I could hear his heart beat steadily. He was one of my favorite pair of arms to be in between. He's my safe place.

  "So, what's wrong? Trouble in paradise?" He asked caringly. To which I nodded. He continued,"What happened?" He said in a light weight lecture tone.

  I then went on to explain the previous events of the day. He was always a intent listener. He always had some words of wisdom. "If I'm being honest, I agree with Espee."

   Espee was his nickname for Esperanza. And he called me Jeune which was the meaning of my name in french. We were both in love with french. 

  "What do you mean?! It's one thing. It's not like I'm the opposite gender of what I said I am." I said defensively. At this point I had no idea whether I was trying to convince myself or him. He was obviously thinking the same thing because next thing I knew he responded, "Who are you trying to convince here? Me or you?" I hated it when he was right. 

  "No one, because I don't need to convince anyone because I'm telling the truth." I lied through my teeth. He knew and gave me a knowing look. 

  "Jeune, we both know you're lying to yourself." I frowned and he opened up his arms expecting my embrace. I didn't go for it because I remembered his girlfriend Lyla hated me and would probably be home soon. He frowned knowing that it bothered me being here when he was supposed to be my safe place. 

  I repeatedly told myself to keep my distance before but my heart never listens. I always end up back here when something amazing happens or when something really crappy happens. We stood in silence for a few moments before I picked up my stuff and bolted out the door before he could say anything. 

  Running out into the cold to go back home, sucked. I knew my parents wouldn't be home. They're always out late either working to put food on the table or drinking away their problems together. They rarely come home anymore. They only come to leave money on the table. Most of the time they sleep at hotels and if my dad is alone he'll come home just to yell at me or give me bruises. Luckily, my mom keeps him out of the house for a reason. 

  They both treat me like crap 75% of the time. My siblings are way older than me and have families of their own so I'm really alone at home most of the time. It surprises you that I'm a virgin doesn't it? Yeah, I never let anyone, except Esperanza, stay over. 

  I don't usually invite her over unless I get drunk alone or cut myself though. I don't know. I just hate who I am. I hate that I look the way I do. I'm always in pain. I just never know what to do. I guess I inherited the drinking from my parents. I don't know where the cutting came from. It just always relieved the pain I was feeling inside. I guess it was kind of like PEMDAS. The pain canceled out. I know it's messed up to joke about but that's the only way I can explain it. 

  Only Esperanza and Aaron knew about it. The cuts surround my body, on my waist, thighs, and back. I always tried to keep them in places it was easy to hide. Here I am, going to my "home". 

  When I get home I notice the stench of alcohol. "JULIA!!!!!!!" I heard my step mother scream. Either my dad was beating her or she's getting ready to beat me. I walked upstairs and answered with a soft tone, "Yes, mom?" I always called her mom because she's been there since I was little. Believe it or not there was once a time in my life where she was actually kind to me.  I was so scared of what she might do to me. I always make sure the house is clean and squeaky. 

  "You fat ugly pig of a daughter! Get over here" She screamed and pulled me by my scalp. She held my head over my board of memories. "Who the fuck is that boy?!" she pointed to a picture of Jace kissing me. She pulled my head away from the board and threw me against a wall. She was small, but she could pick Lucas up if she wanted to. 

  I was already crying, "T-t-that's Jace, ma. He's a g-g-ood person." She raised her arm to land one on me "Please! Mom! Stop!" I screamed in fear and desperation. I kept my arms up to put as much distance between us as possible. Then my dad appeared from the corner of my eye. 

  "You are such a little whore." He pulled me up by my hair and started cursing me out more, calling me horrible things whilst beating me. I knew this wouldn't end until I gave in and knocked out so I let go as fast as I could. I let the darkness consume me so the beating would stop.

Author's note: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! YASSSSSSS PEOPLES Aaron is back baby! If you have read my short story Tables Turned & Twisted You should go check it out. It's a very short story it takes about 15 minutes to read. The story isn't supposed to have any dialogue since it was just a narrative for a video production class.  Just to clear everything up, the lady beating Julia is not her real mom, it's her step mom.

 I know this chapter contains some sensitive subjects, but the whole point of this story is to show you that not everything is perfect or happens the way we want it to. Child abuse is a serious thing and if you know anyone experiencing it or if you are a victim yourself, please call the proper authorities.

This chapter is dedicated to all of you that are going through depression, have eating disorders, and anxiety. I know it's hard to overcome and I know it hurts, I've experienced it firsthand. Trust me when I say the pain your feeling is only temporary. Some of you have depression as a disorder, and I want to let you know it's going to be okay. If you know a friend or family member going through depression, please let them know that they aren't alone. 

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