Confession time

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  "I'm sorry." I was just hugging him.

  He nuzzled his hand under my chin and brought my face to look up at him.

  "If that day happened more than once, I would've done it exactly the same way." He comforted me. We stood there staring into each other's eyes. 

  My eyes drifted off a little bit. Where to, you ask? His lips. They were sunset pink and bitten raw. When my eyes returned to his, his eyes wandering too. His hand was still under my chin. I haven't thought about this since the 8th grade. I haven't wanted this since then.

  "W-what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked timidly, my hands still resting on his waist. 

  He didn't speak, he was about to pull me into a kiss. Aaaaand then, "Hey..." Lucas... ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!??!?!??!? Ugh.

  "Hey Lucas." I turned to him and I tried to hide my annoyance. 

  "Sorry, I saw you running and I was actually trying to find you today. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out on a date tonight?" Wow... Petty much?

  "She's got plans. With me. And don't you have a girlfriend? Julia deserves better than that man." Aaron spoke for me. I couldn't help but smirk a bit. Somebody's jealous.

Wait, Aaron's right. Doesn't Lucas have a girlfriend? "Yeah, what happened to Aria?" 

  "Well, I thought about our little talk a few nights ago. We should've been together Julia. I broke up with Aria." He spoke while brushing his hair back with his hand.

   Well, here I am. "Oh... Well. Um. Uh." Then I turned to look back at Aaron and he resumed where we were at pretty fast. Wow, he's slick. His lips were plush and soft. I somewhat melted for a moment being in his grasp.

  When he pulled away it wasn't because he wanted to or because I wanted to. We heard a *cough* *cough* and turned toward Lucas. I pulled away from Aaron and pulled Lucas to the side of the house.

  "Oh how sweet, you want to spare his feelings?" He said as I dragged him. I turned around not too long after he said that and smacked him.

  "What the hell? I thought we agreed on being best friends." 

  "Well first of all, ow. Second of all, don't you love me?" He spoke while rubbing his cheek. Hm, I still got it. 

  "I do love you, but not like that. Not the way I love Aaron though. I'm sorry Lucas." Out of the corner of my eye I could see an angry Aria speed walking towards me. 

  She pushed past and through Lucas and when she was face to face with me she smacked me. What is it with these girls and the smacking? They suck at it too. It's like being smacked by a pillow.

  "You are such a whore! First Lyla's boyfriend and now mine?! What were you planning a-" I cut her off before she could continue.

  "Okay, Aria look. I'm telling Lucas off right now. We found out a things a few nights ago. We agreed to be best friends-"

  "Oh shut up-"

 I walked away before she could continue. Damn, I'm really getting tired of these attempted cat fights. 

  I left Lucas and Aria alone, walked into the house, wrapped my arms around Aaron and pressed my lips against his. We continued this for about 5 minutes before stopping to talk.

  "Well." He spoke first while raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes. He rubbed his hands on his jeans.

  "Well." I blushed and ran a hand through my hair. 

  "When did you know?" I questioned him. I looked up at him as he readjusted his seating position to face me.

  "I don't know. I guess when Lyla told me it was either her or you, I couldn't bare the idea of not having you in my life." His voice was soft. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled at me. 

  I couldn't help but melt. His smile was so warm, kind, inviting. I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him closer. His kiss is soft. He's always so gentle. 

  The next day at school we made what we had public. 

  "YEAAAHHHH! Get it Julia!" Jay always made the most inappropriate comments.

  "Okay, so when did this happen?" Esperanza looked between the both of us. 

  "Did y'all.. after the party?" She insinuated.

  "What?! No!" I got defensive.

  Aaron just laughed. We looked at each other and just smiled.

  "Well, well, well." Followed by a slow clap. We turned around to see Jace. 

  "And here I thought you would stop at Lucas." Aaron's face became angry. He clenched his fists.

  "Watch it Jace. We all know what happened last time." To make it more threatening he rubbed his knuckles.

  "Oh okay, whatever." Jace was trying to get hit.

  I pulled on Aaron's arm and just made Jace even more mad by pulling Aaron into a kiss. 

  When we turned towards Jace I smiled and turned towards our group with Aaron and I arm in arm. 

  "Hehehe. You did not just do that." Aaron was smiling.

  "Yes, yes I did. I would do anything for you." I wrapped his arm around my waist and we continued our group's conversation. 

  It was a fun day. Everyone was congratulating me and Aaron. People found out about me and Jace 2 weeks ago. Some girls called me a whore here and there but it was okay.

  Aaron and Esperanza were awesome about it.

  Aaron and I were walking home and I could swear that someone was watching us. Aaron and I were on our way to his house to grab my leftover clothes. He washed them and Esperanza, Cyrus, and us were having a double date tonight so I thought I'd just wear those. 

  Plus, I wanted to spend more time with him. *cue blushing Julia* 

  "Hey, Julia?" Aaron asked me whilst bringing my hand up so he could kiss it.

  "Yes?" I responded smiling.

  "Is it just me or does it feel like someone is watching us?" Aaron raised an eyebrow and we both turned around.

  I called out, "Okay, quit following us. We aren't idiots."

  Just like that, Aria, Lyla, walked out from the surroundings with knives. "Julia, one day that boyfriend of yours isn't going to be here and we promise that you're gonna be miserable." They started laughing maniacally. 

  I grabbed a fallen branch on the pavement and sent it flying towards them. They were distracted and I took that moment to kick both of them down and start running. Aaron and I reached his house and asked Cyrus and Esperanza to come pick us up.

Word Count: 1128

Author's note: Yayyy!!! Finally, jeez Aaron took you long enough. I won't be updating tomorrow. My best friend's birthday party is tomorrow. Funny thing actually, my other friend and I came up with the idea for this while rereading one of my chapters. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What's up with the knives, Lyla and Aria? How does Lucas feel about being shut down? What will happen next?

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