Madeline, Holden, and Aaron

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Madeline's POV

  I don't talk much. When I do it's usually just to comment or defend myself when I 'abuse' Sky. I don't talk often mainly because I was often told when I was a little girl that I had an annoying voice. I listened to them and stayed quiet.

  I never really had a place in life. I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up, I didn't even know what the point in living was. That really scared me because everyone seemed to know exactly what they wanted to do when they grew up and what the purpose of their lives were.

  When I met Skylar and the group I was just a wanderer on this planet. I had no idea where my life was going. Then one day I met Skylar, he was cute. I started talking to him and learned that not only was he cute but he understood me. 

  I decided to text him one fateful night which I found out was the night he was about to kill himself. I was so thankful that I had gotten to him before he tried anything. Eventually we found the group and things sort of just fell into place from there.

Holden's POV

  Before meeting Julia, I had never really had an actual connection to anyone. I dealt with things with my family but never outside that. She introduced me to the world. She brought me out of my ignorant shell. 

  When she had pulled me out, she guided me a little bit then she left. We stayed good friends and then got back together about 8 months later. We thought she was moving back to LA so we broke up and never got back together. 

  Anyway, while we were dating she started hanging out with Esperanza and a few other people. She introduced me to them and all of us started hanging out. We had so much fun together. We did so many stupid things together. 

  When I met Julia I learned what it was like to have feelings for someone. It was weird but at the same time, exhilarating. I continued to be friends with her and my feelings only grew stronger but I kept them to myself. 

  Soon, she was single again and she told me that she still had feelings for me. I played it cool though. We got back together and I learned what it felt like to love someone. It was hard to explain and still is. I can only tell you that it was great. 

  When we never got back together I started talking to another girl. She and I were amazing together, better than Julia and I. Then I was introduced to heartbreak. I was so in love with this girl and she broke up with me because she became confused. 

  Around this time I was also hurt by another friend. I thought he was my friend at least. I don't know what I kept doing wrong. 

  Julia and the group were always there for me. Julia was definitely more genuine about it though. She would always make sure that was alright and pried at me to make sure that I was never being overwhelmed by the new feelings. All of it was new to me and she made sure that I didn't have to go through it alone.

Aaron's POV

  Growing up I was blinded by my dad's opinion's. He was abusive. I still have the scars... No one knows about it though, not even Julia. In the 7th grade I met this new girl in my math class. She seemed so upbeat, I wanted to be her friend. 

  Yes, I realize how stupid that was. That's not even the stupidest part though.

  I didn't want her because I wanted a 16 year old girl. I was 13... Wait, that's not it. I didn't want to date her because she weighed more than me. Yeah, I know, it's shallow.

  In the 7th grade my grades weren't the best. My math grade was the worst. We were in class when my dad had called the classroom. I can still remember all of the cruel words and graphic threats. 

  I was crying and I couldn't stop. I was so scared to go home. I knew that he would probably take out the whip. What was even more humiliating is that everyone saw me. We were on our way to 5th period when Julia came up to me and begged me to tell her what he said. She was always so sympathetic. 

  I remember she sat to the left and a seat ahead of me. She got on her knees and didn't leave me alone until I started laughing at how ridiculous she looked on her knees.  I felt better and a lot less scared that day. Though, when I got home it started again. 

  She was always there for me but I never really appreciated her the way I do until a few weeks ago. I think I'm just way too late for her...

Word Count: 844

Author's note: Yayyyyyyy!!! Okay next chapter we will be resuming the plot of the story. We're going to end the conversation at Aaron and then we'll go back to the plot. I thought you guys just deserved to see the characters POV and see how much they appreciate each other. If your friends don't appreciate you at least half as much as they appreciate each other find people who appreciate you that much.


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