Tiny but Powerful

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  "Knock knock. You guys in there?" Esperanza said whilst knocking on the door.

  Aaron swung the door open and invited them in so that we were all standing in the living room. "Hey guys. Sorry we asked you to come here. Lyla has officially lost her mind."

  "Aaron, she can't officially lose her mind if she never had one to begin with." I spoke mindlessly. 

  "True." They all spoke in unison. We looked at each other for a moment and laughed a little. 

  "So what happened?" Cyrus asked while moving to the sofa, us following behind him. 

  Aaron sat next to me across from Cyrus and Esperanza. There was a red oak coffee table in the center. Aaron rested his elbows on his knees before responding, "Lyla and Aria followed me and Julia on our way here with knives." 

  Esperanza and Cyrus looked disgusted. "When we told them that we realize that they were there they threatened Julia. They told her that one day she will be alone and that they'll be waiting."

  Immediately Esperanza's face went from disgusted and worried to pissed off. She was in mama bear mode and she stood up from her seat. Before she got the chance to march out of the doors Cyrus pulled her down and she flopped into the sofa. 

  "Obviously they are out of their minds. We should all be safe. We need to warn the others about their threats and be cautious for the next few days." Aaron said trying to calm Esperanza down.

  Aaron put his arm around me after seeing the distress radiating my body. I snuggled against his touch feeling more secure. My frame perfectly fit against his. Cradling me in his arms he pulled me a little closer to kiss my forehead.

  "Okay, so eating out is definitely out of the question. Movie night, anyone?" I cut the silence and tried to lighten the mood. 

  Aaron looked at me and smiled at my upbeat vibes despite the sad events. We all smiled and got up. Aaron and Cyrus got up and walked towards Aaron's vast movie collection whilst me and Esperanza walked towards the kitchen to get the food.

  We ended up watching the perfect combination of action and romance, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It was always Aaron and my favorite movie. Esperanza and I were more interested in the food than the movie though. 

  At the end of the movie Aaron looked towards Cyrus as they were cleaning the living room, "Hey if you and Esperanza want you guys can stay the night. God knows we have enough rooms." 

  Cyrus smiled and straightened his back out, "It depends on Esperanza." To which he rolled his head over and they both stared at her.

  "I don't mind." She smiled. I smiled back at her.

  When we finished cleaning the room we all went upstairs and went to sleep. 

  The next morning we got ready for school. When we were walking to school we bumped into Lucas. We all went silent. No words were said until we reached our group at school. 

  "Hey guys." I spoke first. They all nodded to acknowledge my presence. 

  "Ok, bad news and good news. Bad news, Lyla and Aria are threatening Julia's life. Good news, we survived them yesterday." Aaron said enthusiastically. He likes to make things seem better than they actually are sometimes. 

  "Wait what?" Lucas said looking worried. Why is he still here? He never hung out with our group before. 

  "What are you doing here Lucas? It's my problem, just stay away." I looked at him while grabbing on to the strap of my backpack. 

  "You're just putting her in more danger than she's already in." Aaron put his arms around me while he was behind me. His body framing mine like how a frame cradles a picture.

  Lucas narrowed his eyes and started stalking towards us, "You know you're a hypocrite. Don't forget Lyla is a part of this too. You are putting her in danger by being with her!" He started jabbing his finger in Aaron's direction. 

  I've never seen Lucas angry before. He wasn't wrong, Aaron is also putting me in danger. Though, I love Aaron and we are literally inseparable. Lucas just adds on to the danger. 

  Aaron let go of me and moved me to the side and they got closer. 

  "You really wanna go?"

  "Let's do this right here." 

  "Let's go!"

  "Damned hypocrite!"

  They opened their mouths to keep arguing but I cut them both off, "Shut it!!!" They all just stared at me with hints of fear in their eyes. 

  I had that effect on people. I never knew why. I guess it's because I don't usually raise my voice and maybe because in some ways I'm like a mother figure. 

  "Lucas, you have no right meddling in my business and talking to him like that. I can put him in his place myself." My voice was sharp and dripping in authority. 

  I could see a smirk making it's way on Aaron's face, "And Aaron, you don't have the right to control who talks to me and and who doesn't. I don't care if you're trying to keep me safe. You can do that even if he talks to me." 

  I looked at both of them and then around me to see the group just staring at my sudden grasp of dominance of the situation. "We are 16 and 17 not 10, so start acting like it." I glared at both of the boys and they just bowed their heads in submission. 

  I can only imagine how funny this looks because I'm like nearly a foot shorter than both of them.

  When I finished I walked towards Aaron and wrapped myself in his embrace. I gave the group a look of consent to move closer. And we all resumed to normality. 

  I smiled and in the corner of my eye I could see Lyla and Aria watching me with envy. 

  I think I just signed an official declaration of war by saying that I would keep both in my life. Opps. 

Word Count: 1020

Author's Note: Sorry that I haven't updated in awhile guys. It's just that I've been really busy. I will try to get another update out this week and hopefully you liked this chapter.


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