Past Vs Present pt. 2

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  Holden's POV
  When I walked in, I was horrified. My first kiss, first love, best friend, was lying in a pool of blood.

  I panicked at first and then pulled out my phone and started calling 911.

  Right after I called 911 I called Esperanza to let her know. She told me that she'd call her parents.

  I rushed to Julia's side and started begging her to stay alive. I put my face close to hers to make sure that she was still breathing. I then knelt down and slid my arm under her to pick her up and out of the water.

  I laid her down onto the tile floor that was now tainted red from the bloody water rushing from her clothes. That's when I heard Esperanza scream and fall to her knees. Behind her was Cyrus holding onto her. He picked her up and guided her away from the bathroom.

  As they walked away I grabbed a cloth to apply pressure to her self inflicted wounds to restrain anymore blood from rushing out. Her eyes were shut.

  I began to panic and dialed 911 and yelled at the operator to hurry up. I was getting aggravated. I was breaking down next to her limp body.

  I had no idea how I should be reacting. We've always been close. We drift every now and then but we always found our way back because we were genuinely there to stay in each other's lives.

  I refuse to let her leave now. She will survive and she will get the help she needs. She will wake up and go to college and get to travel like we always talked about. She will settle down and have children. She will grow old.

  The ambulance finally arrived about 10-15 minutes after I called. They picked her up and put her on the gurney. I refused to let her go alone in that ambulance and requested to stay with her.

  They allowed me to stay with her and they started poking needles into her when we got into the ambulance. They put her on a monitor and I was worried that the pulse would be weak.

  Luckily when the monitor started going the pulse wasn't as faint as I thought it would be. We made it to the hospital and I waited in the waiting room to get an update on her condition.

  Around 30 minutes later a doctor came to me and asked me if I was the man who brought in the girl who attempted suicide.

  "Yes..." I spoke weakly.

  "Well, she's doing well. She lost a lot of blood. Her cuts were about 1/2 an inch deep. She had them on her thighs, waist and arms. She needs some blood to be donated to her. I'm certain she'll be fine and I am certain she'll get the blood."

 The doctor spoke to me so monotonously. Almost as if this was normal. I get that it probably is but how can this get easier.

  "Can I donate? What blood type does she need?" I wasn't the one to ask this. The guy asking was the asshole who caused this. Aaron.

  "GET OUT!" I turned around and shoved him.

  "What's your problem?" He exclaimed. This angered me even more because he acted like he didn't do anything wrong.

  "YOU! You are my problem!" I made a sarcastic smile and pointed at him, "You know? Maybe if you didn't cheat on her she wouldn't have done this to herself. Maybe if you didn't make her feel so special and then drop kick her feelings, she would still be awake and not have stitches in her waist, thighs, and arms. Go to hell Aaron! You don't deserve her. None of us do..."

  I began crying because I neglected her feelings all these years. I wasn't there for her when she needed me most. I didn't give her the comfort she needed. She's been to hell and back and none of us really followed through on our promises to always be there for her.

  I began to realize that Aaron hadn't responded. I looked up to see him walking towards her room and I began sprinting. I grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him away from the door.

  I planted my feet into the ground and didn't let him passed. He may have been a few inches taller than me but I was way stronger and we both knew it.

  He eventually gave up and walked out.

  Esperanza had walked through the hospital doors and told me to move. She walked in and immediately started breaking down.


  It's been a day and a half. The doctor said she's supposed to wake up today. She got the blood she needed. I was so excited to see her bright eyes again.

  This girl was always so bright eyed and bushy tailed. Oh god, she was a great actress. Is, she is a great actress.

  She began having a harder time hiding her depression and anxiety ever since the beating.

  She came back to us when her and Aaron got together but then that ?%#^*# had to go and cheat.

  I have stayed here, since the first night. I want to be here when she wakes up.

  I was just on my phone giving updates to Esperanza when I heard her angelic groan. Hm, even when she's tired she sounds like an angel. I thought to myself. 

Word count: 911

Author's Note: Yes, I did the word count on purpose. There's going to be a part 3 of this and then that's the end of past vs present. Then we can continue to have fun with the story. I know we've been having a lot of twists and turns in the story but I had an ending planned out and then it changed and now I have a mixture of what I want to happen. It's confusing and I hope you guys are ready for the rest of the ride. I plan to make this story from 30-55 chapters long. I know it's a wide range but it really depends. The main message I want to get across from this story is that in life you have to learn how to balance things and yes, your personal life will often throw things off track but you have to get to the finish line no matter what.

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