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  Julia's POV

I watched as he left the room. Why? Why must I be cursed with this? I have no idea how I'm feeling right now. I know I love him, but I am still entrapped in the thought of Aaron.

  I had no idea how hurt Holden must've been. I have no idea what I'm doing. These situations don't exactly come with an instruction manual.

  I spent the day alone in my hospital bed until Esperanza burst into my room, "Hey, hey, hey!" She spoke harmoniously.

  She had burst through the door when I was taking a nap and so I responded with a groan, "Aurrghmm."

  "Geez Jules, hold your enthusiasm." She spoke sarcastically. I was really not in the mood to talk.

  "Go away." I murmured from under my pillow.

  "Nope!" She exclaimed and jumped onto the foot of my bed, luckily she didn't land on my leg.

  Instead of arguing with her, I just went back to sleep.

  "The doctor said you get discharged tomorrow, but you're going to need some crutches to hold yourself up. Then in two to three weeks you can stop using the crutches." She was just repeating instructions from the doctor.

  I eventually just tuned out. I really didn't care. I figured I'd have to go back to school and life at some point.

  "Whatever." I responded to whatever she was saying.

  "Whatever?! What do you mean whatever? Aaron wasn't cheating on you. He was just hanging out with her." Oh, Aaron.

  "Don't get me wrong, it's whatever. But does he not have feelings for her? They've been hanging out a lot more often. He even cheers her on during PE. He buys her food all the time and they've been talking a lot more often lately. Just the same as I do with Holden." I stated remember everything I've buried in the back of my mind these past few weeks.

  "Just the same as you do with Holden?" She spoke because the last part I said was new to her.

  "Don't act like you didn't notice. Everyone noticed. And anyways, Aaron and I are in the same boat. He's falling for Jane and I'm falling for Holden, but we both still love each other." I spoke nonchalantly.

  "Oh." She seemed to be rummaging through all her thoughts and all she could find was that.

  "You should go, I'm certain Jay wants to hang out with you tonight." I was being cold now.

  I couldn't look at her. She's always so distant now. She rarely ever talks to me or tries to confide to me and we haven't had a 'family dinner' in three months. The only person she ever talks to or confides to is Jay. Here I am, left to deal with all my problems on my own. When I ask her if anything's wrong she just shakes her head and smiles.

  When we were in the 8th grade we promised to always come to each other if something was wrong and I always kept up my end of the deal, until she didn't. Everyone is drifting from me and I can't do anything about it.

  "You're right... We were supposed to do something tonight. I'm sorry." I just sat on the bed and smiled. She got up and walked out.

  She seems perfectly fine compared to yesterday. Man, nice to know it takes less than 24 hours to forget.

  2 or 3 hours passed and it was now 8 o'clock.

  "Knock, knock." The doctor spoke in a cheeky tone.

  "Hey doc, making your daily rounds?" I didn't mind the doctor, she was a different one from the one I was initially assigned.

  "Yep, I'm actually here to release you. I called Mrs. Lor and she said that it's okay." She told me.

  "I thought I don't get discharged until tomorrow morning." I was puzzled.

  "You were but then I went over your papers again and I think you're good to go. I figured you maybe wouldn't have any extra clothes to change into so I brought these for you." She smiled at me and I returned the favor.

  "Thank you, that's really kind of you." I took the clothes that she handed to me and looked at the sizes which were to my perfect fit.

  "Of course." She flashed one last smile and then exited the room.

  I took the clothes and changed. Then I made the stop out of the hospital to talk to my doctor and I got all of my stuff and got into the cab that the doctor had called for me.

  I took it straight to Esperanza's house. When I got there I put my clothes in the room and then walked out to go walk around because Esperanza was probably still out with Jay. It was only 9 o'clock so it was understandable.

  I decided to go to Holden's place because we still had to talk about some things.

  When I got there I could hear music coming from the backyard so instead of knocking on the front door, I walked over to the side of the backyard.

  The moment I saw the fake campfire I knew what was happening.

  "Okay guys, so let's find out what's happened since the last 'family dinner'." It was Jay speaking. What the fuck.

  They were having a 'family dinner' without me? What?

  "Well, in the past two weeks, I don't know. I don't know what to do about Julia." This was Esperanza.

  The tears welled up in my eyes and I could feel the knives in my back now. They've all been meeting up together behind my back...

  I don't know what the worst part is, the fact that Holden is hosting this one or the fact that I'm considered a problem to Esperanza.

  Man, I feel the love.

  I obviously won't die sooooo I might as well just leave. Esperanza's house, at least.

  I didn't confront any of them. I didn't make a scene. Instead, I walked back to Esperanza's house and packed up all of my stuff and walked out. I had no idea where I would go but honestly, anywhere would be better than there.

Word count: 1018

Author's note: Yes! Of course my lovies, here you are, another chapter for the same day.

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