Facing Truth

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  Julia's POV

"What do you mean your room?" I asked Aaron timidly.

  He froze for a moment to think about his approach and said, "Well, obviously you're gonna ask me for things and I might be asleep so you'd go into my room."

  I nodded and just laughed to make it look like I was teasing and he played along. We sat in silence for a few minutes just thinking and while I was thinking I remembered him and Lyla breaking up. I wonder why they broke up- "Whatcha thinkin' bout'?" Aaron cut my thoughts off.

  "Why did you and Lyla break up?" I asked forgetting to filter the way I talked. He looked at me with woe lacing his expression.

  "She wanted me to choose between you and her. She accused me of having feelings for you. She told me she hated the way I talked about you because she wished it was her I was talking about. She told me she hated you because you seemed to have the heart of the one person she couldn't have. She wanted my love but felt that I gave it all to you." His voice was breaking. His eyes glazed over.

  I pulled him into my arms and let him cry. I knew he was in pain and I know what it feels like to hold all of that inside. "It's gonna be okay, I know you miss her."

Aaron's POV

  "It's gonna be okay, I know you miss her." That's the sad thing. I don't. I look back at it and I don't even remember what I liked about her.

  I look back and regret that I didn't tell Julia that I loved her back. I look back and I regret not being able to look past Julia's flaws. I knew her flaws. I knew that she wasn't skinny, I knew she wasn't the prettiest, I knew what was wrong with her. Though, I also knew what was perfect about her. I knew qualities that she has that sets her apart from every girl I will ever meet.

  Thinking about my regrets I start crying even harder and I don't know how or when I'm going to stop. I love her so much, but I can't tell her that. I can't put anymore burdens on her. I can't make her feel obligated to love me. I can't tell her when she's vulnerable.

  I just have to be here for her. I have to quietly love her unconditionally.

Julia's POV

It took Aaron about an hour before he stopped crying. His voice was still weak when he decided to speak again. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you."

  "What do you mean not there for me? You literally just saved me." I move to show him the bruises and wound that are covered in gauze but wince in the process.

  "Don't do that, you need to rest." He said as he helped me find a more comfortable position in this freaking bed.

  "Even if I saved you, I wouldn't have needed to if I would have been there for you earlier. If I would've just chased after you. If I would've just taken you home myself." His disdain for himself is clearly displayed and I immediately try to comfort him.

  "It isn't and never will be your fault. It is my horrible excuse for parents' fault. I wouldn't have needed to be saved if they didn't put me in danger in the first place." The word "parents" leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

  "Whatever, you can't make me feel any better about this." He spat. I know how he feels. He can't make me feel any better about him and Lyla so I decide to be courteous and let him be.

  We sit in silence for a few moments with me twiddling and fidgeting with the sheets before he asks me, "Do you think you can go to school tomorrow?"

  Can I go to school tomorrow? I mean it would certainly be hard to walk but I can manage, I've done it before. Though, considering the way news spreads in our school, everyone probably knows about my parents beating me. I don't want to feel pitied by our student body, but then again if I stay home longer they will think my injuries are more severe than they actually are.

  "Yeah. You know me, I'm strong." I say confidently to attempt to convince him I'm ready.

  "You're strong but I know you. Don't push yourself to keep going when you just want to rest." He doesn't take my bait and sees straight through me.

  "Okay, yes I'm scared to go. Yes, I don't really want to be pitied by the student body. BUT, it's better that I face this now rather than later." I say. This time I'm being completely truthful about how I feel on going tomorrow.

  He nods. Aaron gets what I'm feeling. "If you want I can call Espee and you guys can talk about it. That way you guys are away from the crap ton of people at school.

  I reply, "Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." I smile.

  He returns the smile and exits the room to contact Esperanza.

  About 30 minutes later, Esperanza bursts through the doors. "JULIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

  She runs over to me and I sit up. She gives me a hug and I scream in pain. "Aghh!" She frowns knowing that she hurt me.

  "I'm so sorry. I should've known better. I should've known in general." She looks like she's in pain. She seems so melancholy.

Esperanza's POV

  How could I not know? She's my bestfriend. She could've died and I wouldn't have known why until today. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. I repeat that to myself. I can't help but feel guilty.

"You couldn't have. We both know I'm the best actress in the school. So how could you?" She tries to cheer me up and I'll admit I giggle a little bit.

"I still should've known..." I say with sorrow soaked in my tone.

She frowns and then sighs, "Look, I can't change how you feel. Let me tell you this though. You always knew when something else was wrong. You were always there for me. You always gave me the benefit of your love. Esperanza, I will always be thankful to you for that. Your words saved me countless times. I think it was just someone else's turn to save me." She smiles. It was a genuine smile.

"This is why I love you so much. You're known as Julia, the girl who puts everyone up even when she's going through worse. You are just so forgiving. I know I've said that it's a fault of yours in the past but I can't imagine you without that trait now." I praise her.

She never ceases to be the best version of herself. And when she can't be the best version of herself, she creates a better one. We both just smile at each other content with each other's presence.

Then Aaron walks in, he looks at me with a look that asks y'all good? And I give him a confirming look. Then he gives Julia the same look and she mimics me.

"Well, I think I should go cook us some food considering Julia's paella is already cold. What do you guys want?" Aaron asks and Julia just gives a disgusted face.

"Since when do you not crave anything?" I question Julia.

"Since my ribs got kicked into my lungs and my throat." She sarcastically grumbles.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to give you your meds, that should help with the pain. I'll be back. And then I'll prepare food and we can watch a movie and get ready for tomorrow." Aaron ends with a gasp. Julia smiles to say thank you and with that, Aaron exits the room again.

Word count: 1321

Author's note: Yayyyyyy!!!! Welp there it is, another regular sized chapter in one day.😁 You're welcome @showmethemony I promise I will try to update as often as possible. Don't forget to vote if you want me to keep updating.😉

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