The start of it all

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Author's Note: Bold print with * at the start and end means I'm in the character's thoughts.

Lucas POV

  It all started the summer before freshman year. She was awkward and quirky, but it was cute. Her name was Julia. She was 5'4 (ha she was so short), she had tan skin that had this umber undertone, she was chubby (that meant I could use her as a teddy bear😂), she had long jet black hair, with thighs that could hipnotize a man, and a smile that could blind anyone.

  One summer afternoon I got a text message from this girl who I knew once had a crush on me. I didn't really care, it's not like I could ever fall for her. She had half of the schools boys chasing after her, even some girls.

  When we were started talking she didn't understand some of my slang so it ended up being a reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllly awkward conversation. She still never missed talking to me on the dots.

  Early on in the summer she confessed to having feelings for me. And I'll be honest I flat out friend zoned her. At first I didn't acknowledge that I didn't like her like that. Then, she started asking. I couldn't bring myself to just reject her myself. I told her to ask her bestfriend because I just didn't want to tell her.

  I remember my first thought when she texted me again the next morning. Wow, she got over that fast. It would figure.

  We continued to talk that summer. Then she stopped texting me. And then a few weeks later she started talking to me again.

  I remember feeling kind of abondoned when she didn't text me first. I didn't text her though. I friend zoned her, THROUGH HER FRIEND. Of course she would transition into not speaking to me again.

  I'm not gonna lie, it hurt pushing her away. And soon enough the first day of school showed up. I felt sick to have to face her again, I just hoped I wouldn't see her again. I never told my friends about her, I didn't want them to make fun of her.

  On the first day I saw her but I hid. She luckily, didn't see me. She looked so happy...

  The next day she saw me and I saw her. We didn't acknowledge each other's existence. It stung to have someone who was once so infatuated with me act like I didn't exist.  She was so beautiful and I let her go.

  A few weeks passed and one day her two friends Esperanza and Jay were pulling and forcing her towards me. She looked like she didn't want to be anywhere near me. It hurt a lot. When they finally got her to talk to me she said, "Hey Lucas, can I talk to you alone?"

I nodded and followed her. "What's up?" I refused to let her know that I was hurting.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me." She said, her voice soft as silk but soaking with reluctantcy.

I didn't want to go with her because I didn't want to fall for her. I knew that over text I was already close to falling, how much more if I actually spent time with her? So I replied, filling my words with venom, "I'll take you to the dance but I won't be dancing, I'll be in the gym playing basketball."

  In that moment I could see her eyes harden. I knew I fucked up. I knew that what I said was fucked up. And she knew it too. I hated myself even more when she said, "Yeah, whatever." With a tone in her voice that sent chills up my spine.

That night I decided I didn't want to not have her anymore and so I went on Kik *You pathetic piece of crap* What the fuck? Who was that? *Silence* Oh, so now you're quiet? Whatever. *Dude you should've done it in person* ??????

Anyways, so I went on Kik and typed, "Hey Julia, I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend instead of my date."

For hours, there was no response and so I just assumed that she didn't want to go out with me.

Then a few days before the dance Esperanza came up to me when I was playing basketball. "Hey you! Come here, bitch!" She said with excitement in her voice.

With a sigh I replied, "Yeeeess? How may I be of service?" My sarcasm was so obvious it could've been a physical object.

"You should teach Julia how to play basketball, she sucks." I looked over to where Julia was playing a few courts down. She was just dribbling the ball.

I looked down at Esperanza and told her, "If you can beat me in a game of basketball then I'll teach her how to play." I knew I had the upper hand, she was a midget compared to me. She was 5'0 and I was 6'0.

  She was stubborn so she tried to play me and I was easily making hoops. Meanwhile it felt like a leprechaun was trying to claw at my stomach. When we took a break she started arguing with me, "This isn't fair! You're like a foot taller than me!" And while she was yelling, I was mindlessly watching Julia play several boys and make her shots like playing 2 vs 4 was a normal thing.

  "It doesn't look like Julia needs anyone teaching her how to play." I said with a rude tone to my voice as Esperanza looked at Julia. Perfect timing because right then, Julia made a lay up.

"ESPERANZAAAAAAAAAAA!" Julia screamed calling her friend over. And when Esperanza went, they looked like they were arguing after a few moments of Julia looking confused. Within minutes Esperanza came back and just told me that I won before leaving.

  A few minutes after Esperanza left, Julia left too. And a few minutes after that, Jay showed up. "Hey." She said with a skip in her voice.

  "Hey, you here to ask me to be a wing woman for Julia too?" I said with slight annoyance lacing my additude.

  "No, but you should dance with her."

  "Why would I do that when she didn't even reply to me when I asked her out."

  "Oh," she paused and then told me, "well she doesn't like you like that. Esperanza and I are trying to get her to do this because she hates this."  I could've sworn I could feel my heart breaking.

  When the dance came around I was so ready to get it over with. The thing is, she didn't even show up! She came up to me during the dance to say sorry but that didn't mean shit. And I swore that from that day forward that I would move on.

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