The Hero

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Jace's POV 

  When I left Julia because she didn't want to talk about it I went to Don's for some coffee. I walked into the shop I ran into Lucas. Lucas, ugh, I still hate him. "Sorry, I seem to keep doing that today." Lucas told me.

  "What do you mean?" I questioned. 

  "I ran into Julia earlier this morning." He spoke blatantly.

  When he said that I immediately walked out of the shop and went home to think things over.

Aaron's POV

Look at who decided to visit. Julia!!! Or as I like to call her Juene. Ever since Lyla gave me that ultimatum between her and Juene, I've been dying to see the girl Lyla dumped me over. Juene was never perfect, and in 7th grade I was too shallow to realize that she didn't have to be perfect.

I always liked being mean to her and vice versa. It was and still is our thing. She's still short, hehe. I could swear when I pulled her into a embrace I could feel my heart skip a beat. I invite her in and she begins to talk.

She was telling me about some things that have been happening today. I hate that Lucas guy. He was in our math class in the 7th grade. She always had a crush on him. Whatever, she's with Jace. He's a good guy. "If I'm being honest, I agree with Espee."

Aaaaannnddd there she blows. She really needs to learn how to stop being so defensive. She also needs to learn how to figure out how to admit when she's wrong. "Who are you trying to convince here, me or you?" I asked her.

I know her better than most people. I know when she doesn't know what side she's on. We talk for a little longer and I can tell that she feels distressed.

I open my arms for a hug so that I could comfort her. She smiles for a moment before stepping back. I know why she pulled back, Jace and Lyla. LYLA! She still thinks I'm with Lyla. As soon as I'm about to open my mouth she bolts out the door with her things.

Sighing, I take a seat on my basement couch. Then there's a vibration. I left my phone upstairs, Juene must've left hers when she left in such a rush. When I take a look at the screen I find a text from her father, "I swear to god when you get home, you're gonna get it."

As soon as I see the text I get up off my butt and race out the door and to Julia's house.

When I reach the house I find the door open. Then I hear a man screaming, "Who the **** was the boy?? You probably spread your legs for any guy that asks you to!! Who was it?? Who were they?" As soon as I hear that I speed up the stairs and to Julia's room to find Julia on the floor bleeding and beaten.

I go from worried to infuriated. I look above her body to see a man and woman beating her. The man has similar features to Julia but he wreaks of alcohol and the woman has Julia's height and hair color.

They both turned to me with confused looks. I was furious. I probably looked like a bull with steam bursting out of my ears. "Get away from her!" My voice ripped through the air.

The man I could only assume was the man she had to call a "father" turned angry again and started walking towards me, "Are you here to pay for another shot at your little whore? Are you one of the other hundreds of guys she's already spread her legs for?"

His sentences only made me more angry and the second he stepped closer than arms length I slammed my fist across his face knocking him out. I looked at her mother who was frozen in fear and contacted Jace. "Chello." Jace basically sang into the phone.

"Jace, it's Julia..." I told him to get here and call the cops.

When the cops came they brought an ambulance. They asked a few questions and then asked my mom if Julia could stay with us. My mom was always fond of Julia so she obviously said yes. Before taking Julia to my place the paramedics patched her up and gave me some instructions on how to tend to her bruises and wounds.

Julia's parents were arrested and Esperanza's parents said they would take custody of her.

When Jace showed up he handed me a letter and asked me to pass it to her. He said, "I'm sorry that it has to be this way, and now of all times." With that sentence I knew what the letter's content was. I didn't want to hand her the letter but maybe it's best that he leaves her to think. I know it's gonna be hard for her but I will be there for her every step of the way.

Through all of this Julia was out cold. She's been out since Friday. It's Sunday morning. Julia is taking her rest in the guest room. My mom actually thought that for awhile Julia might become my girlfriend and she would need a place to sleep, so she designed the room to Julia's style.

I'm on my way to bring up Julia's lunch right now just in case she wakes up. I prepared it just for her, plus I know she hasn't eaten in two days so this will be good for her. When I open the door I see that the sheets are wrinkled and kicked to the side. She's going to wake up soon or she already has woken up and decided to go back to sleep. Either way I leave the room, leaving the food at the foot of her bed.

*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*

Somebody's up. I wonder why she's running. I run up the stairs and open the door to find Julia slumped over the toilet, "I hope it wasn't my cooking..."

Julia's POV

Aaron just finished telling me how I ended up here. I'm glad I have Esperanza and her family to take me in. I am so thankful I left my phone at his place and that I went there in the first place. Oh no, here comes more tears. I rush to curl up into his embrace. Aaron never ceased to make me feel safe.

"Thank you so much." I said with my voice breaking and tears streaming down my face.

"Shhhh, it's going to be fine. You never have to see those monsters again." He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my shoulder to coo me.

"Okay, I want to see the rest of your house now." I smiled at him my face still swollen after a few minutes of sobbing.

"Why?" He asked with a confused look plastered on his face.

"Because now if ever you save me again and I have to be moved to another room I would know it's your house." He smiled at me and chuckled. My eyebrows knitted as a form of habit to show I'm confused.

"My mom designed this room for you. If ever you're in another room in this house it will be in mine or my mom's." The moment he said that I would be in his room if I'm ever in another room in this house I froze. I was a little confused....

Word count: 1181 words

Author's note: Hehe... i just wanted to leave that there. I promise I'll update it soon. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter and I promise, I'll slow down the plot so you guys can keep up. Don't forget to vote if you want me to keep updating😉

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