Present day

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*8 months since the summer*

Julia's POV
Ugh, I hate waking up. The bright side is I get to see Jace everyday when I wake up. So, I guess it's not that bad.

Today is my 4 month anniversary with Jace. It's been an amazing four months with him. He's such a dork but it's okay, he's my dork. We're supposed to go to the beach today. And apparently because my birthday is coming up later this month, he wants to celebrate that too.

It's supposed to be a huge beach bash, but I don't know if anyone but my and his close friends are coming. His friends like me and my friends like him so we'll be good. Other than that all I have to worry about is my ex showing up as someone's plus one.

You're probably like "Ohhhhh, it's the ex... wait she has an ex?"   And for your information, yes. I do have an ex, four, actually. Though, I only have one ex that hates me. Which is also the one ex I don't like. It's weird though,  because he was my only other serious relationship.

  Anyways, as I finish up drawing on my dark brown eyebrows I rush downstairs to get a head start to school. I grab my usual breakfast cash on the table and on my way to school, I stop by Don's Doughnuts to grab my routine pancake batter corndog. What wasn't routine about that was I bumped into a wall-like human on my way out.

  "Hey! Just 'cause you're tall doesn't mean other people don't exist." I spit balled.

  "Sorry, I wasn't looking." Replied a silky tenner as he grabbed my arm to help me up. I knew who this voice belonged to. It's been months since I last heard that voice, but this time there was genuine remorse and emotion. I almost fell again after being taken aback by him.

  I looked up to see his defined but kind features. I opened my mouth to say his name but he beat me to it. "Julia..."

  His voice seemed close to breaking, like something stabbed him and he was crying for help. I knew seeing me triggered something which made me feel a little weak in the stomach. I replied, "Lucas..."

  We both snapped out of our trance. "How are you?!" We both said to try to mask our pain.

  "I'm good." We said again.

  "Sorry. That was rude of me." I stated. He just smiled.

  "Sorry about your breakfast corndog, I'll get you another one." He said apologetically.

  "Oh, no that's alright. I really don't need it. I can skip a meal, god knows it would be a better choice." I smiled.

  He frowned seeing the self hatred I still hold for myself. "No. I won't take no for an answer. C'mon." He motioned me towards him and flashed his pearly whites at me. Instead of following his motion, I bolted out the door and continued my way to school.

  When I got to school I saw Esperanza, Jay, Jace, and Cyrus (Esperanza's ex whom she got back together with). I was still panting a bit from the run. Esperanza knew I was doing something I shouldn't have been.

"What the hell happened to you? You look like you just out ran some hell hounds. Wait, you got some leaves in your hair. Opps, nevermind, maybe it was just your stupidity I saw." Esperanza lectured me, knowing that I ran even though I had a breathing problem.

  She looked at me for a brief moment and pulled me away from the group. "Soooo... what happened? Why did you run?" I was still panting and took a moment before responding.

  "I... ran into..... Lucas at Don's." I said between breaths. I then continued to explain what happened earlier.

"Are you sure you didn't run away because you're scared if you get close again you'll fall for him?" I just sighed. I honestly didn't want to think about what the truth was behind it.

"We should get back." I said softly.

We turned to our group to see that it was almost complete.

*Here is a description of some characters I didn't already describe. And a introduction to some more characters*

Cyrus- The Bboy: short Emo raven black hair, black piercing eyes, a round jawline, fair tanned skin, 5'9

Jay- The realist: long dark brown hair, olive skin, chinky eyes, round face, pretty, 4'11

Kingston- The Anime sexual: Long dark hair, flat face, tawny beige skin, sweet smile, round eyes, 5'9

Skylar- The optimist: black fade hair, REALLY chinky eyes, beige skin, flat face, small smile, 5'8

Madeline- Skylar's girlfriend: long wavy black hair, chinky eyes, bright smile, round but defined face, fair skin, 5'5

Yasmine- The Exaggerator: long black hair that goes over her butt, thicke, booootttaaaayyy, chinky eyes, round face, light tanned skin, 5'3

Kolton- The bad boy: jet black faded hair that's long on the top, light tanned skin, fleeked eyebrows, round jawline, 5'10

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