Just Another Day

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  I swear the alarm just gets more and more annoying. Today is April 24. It's been a few weeks since the first threat I got from Lyla and Aria. They tried attacking me a couple of times but Aaron showed up every time.

  Today is also my birthday. I got a few texts from people telling me happy birthday but personally, I don't like my birthday. To me my birthday is just another day in the year. Plus, no one ever does much for my birthday. And if I'm being honest, it doesn't really surprise me. My own parents forgot my birthday several times. 

  I'm not that special and I know a lot of people would agree with me when I say a birthday is just another day. I have to get up but I really just want to curl up in a ball and stay here. 

  "GET UPPP!" Esperanza smacked a pillow over my face and jumped on my bed. 

  I groaned in response. She just sat there waiting for me to get up. Eventually I gave up and got dressed. We went downstairs and out the door towards Don's. 

  We met Aaron there as it became our usual morning meeting place. He already had our morning usuals on the table. 

  I smiled as I scooted into the spot of the booth right next to him. 

  "Morning beautiful." He smiled as he lifted his arm up and over me. 

  I snuggled into the familiar comfort of his body, "Happy Birthday." Both of them exclaimed.

  I gave them a weak smile. They both know I hate my birthday and so does the rest of he group but none of them know why I hate it so much. 

  "It was worth a shot." Esperanza spat out. I just kept thinking It isn't a shot if you didn't actually do anything to try to make the birthday happy.

  Yes, I hate my birthday because nobody ever does anything for it. Not once have I ever had a friend even just give me a card for my damn birthday. I don't care if you say "Happy Birthday." The only response you are gonna get from me is "Thank you." 

  I know it sounds stupid. I just want to feel genuinely appreciated one day out of the year. I don't want presents, I don't want parties or anything like that. I like cards. You know the ones with actual hand writing in them? It feels like everything now is so monotone. Appreciation posts are just about all anyone would do. 

  Every year since I was born has passed by without any actual recognition. The only time it was recognized was when I was like 5 and my parents brought a ton of food to the class when they were sober. 

  I never ask for anything on my birthday because I hate feeling needy and spoiled. I hate asking for things in general. I feel uncomfortable. Actions speak louder than words and sometimes actions can be words. 

  I don't want to say I'm not happy on my birthday because I don get stuff. It sounds like that though so I just don tell anyone why I hate it. It's weird I know. Let's just say I'm better at writing words than I am at saying them. 

  The days are just getting harder to go through if I'm being honest. Sometimes I wonder about the past. I wonder about where I went wrong and what I did to make my parents hate me so much. 

  I wonder why things turned out the way they did for me. I wonder if my life will always be this crappy. I wish I could just make my problems go away. 

  Wishful thinking isn't the right way to live life though. One thing Holden taught me is that no matter how bad things go, you need to take what you've got and make the best of it. We reconnected maybe 3 weeks ago. 

  Esperanza has been really busy lately with her own problems and I didn't want to bother Aaron because sometimes he just makes me feel worse about how I feel so I would just go to Holden. I know, stupid position to put myself in. I can't help it though.

  It's finally the end of the day and I get to go home. Well, Esperanza's home. I couldn't find anyone after school so I assumed that they all left without me. Wow, I feel so loved. 

  I decided to go to the park instead of home because I thought a walk would help me cope with today. 

  When I got to the park I saw Aaron, I smiled. He must have known I would take a walk, he knows me. I thought to myself. 

  Then everything I had with him came crashing down when I saw a girl from our school named Jane running from an ice cream truck to him. She had one of those cup ice creams in her hand and she spoon fed him. 

  On my birthday!?!? Are you kidding me? My birthday just got a whole of crappier. I stood still for a minute. I took a deep breath and then slowly started walking. Instead of making a scene, I made sure that he knew I was there and as I walked by I threw a bracelet he gave me when we were freshmen at the ground. 

  I can't understand how we went from saving my life, to falling in love, to getting heart broken. We were supposed to have the perfect love story. I should know better than anyone that nothing ever happens the way you want it to. 

  As I passed I could feel the weight on my chest increase, making it harder for me to breathe. I cannot believe that he would do this to me. I was wiping my tears from my face when I ran into a  tall figure. My god, I need to look up more often. 

 Word count: 1001

Author's note: Hey guys! Sorry. I know, I know. It's been forever since my last update. I've recently been drawing more often than I have been writing so I just took a break. I will try to update more often but I can't make any promises. I can promise that I will finish this story though.


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