Jay, Esperanza, and Yasmine

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 Jay's POV

  It still hurts, thinking about it. When he left us I was in the 7th grade. I still wonder what I did wrong. It killed me when he left. I couldn't trust my own dad. How much more anyone else?

  I remember the first girl. She was pretty. He was a liar and I will forever hate him.

  In the 7th grade my dad left my family. He said he'd be back soon. He always tried to buy me off with presents and stuff but I just talked to him for the stuff. I was always a hard person to gain trust from.

  I have trust issues and I was obvious about it. Not only that I have anger issues. It was always hard for me to let people in, that's why when Esperanza came into my life I was saved. I had finally found a loyal one. 

Esperanza's POV

  My parents were always busy. I was always depended on to be strong. I was the youngest and I didn't want my siblings worrying about me. I met Jay and we stayed together. We contrasted each other. Then one day we found our balance. Julia came into the mix and I felt better. 

  Jay had trust issues at first but then eventually we found our middle. Julia was there for both of us. Jay and her spent a lot of time with each other and got to know each other better. 

  In the 8th grade they threw a surprise party for me and it was awesome. 

  I met Cyrus around the 7th grade. He was a part of our group. We got together and broke up the start of this year because some 'stuff' happened. Eventually Julia shoved us back together because she knew we'd be happy.

  I was depressed for awhile and Julia always knew how to put things into words. She could always find perspective and figure out why she did the things she did. She had her problems though. No one's invincible right? 

  She always came to me or Aaron when something was wrong and usually a lot of our group talked to either her or me when something was going on. To me, she is one of the bestest friends I could ask for. 

  Yes, I realize 'bestest' is not a word.

 Yasmine's POV

  I've always had issues with myself... I hated the way I looked and I hated so much about myself. 

  I was always rejected by the boys I liked and I still have never had a boyfriend. I always wished I had that special someone who could be there for me. 

  I just never had a chance with any of the boys that I wanted. I just wish that I could have that one person. I was always too fat or too ugly for any of the boys I liked. Or l=at least that's how I saw it.

  Julia always told me that it wasn't my fault. She always told me that they just couldn't see the beauty. She always told me that if a boy couldn't appreciate me for the girl I am then he doesn't deserve my attention. She constantly repeated that being single is fun because you can just hang out with friends without having to worry about inviting a certain someone.

  I wish I believed her. I want to believe her but I can't. I just can't. I don't know why. I would sometimes cry myself to sleep. I always seem so happy and excited but the truth is, if I could take my life away for a good reason, I'd do it in a split second. 

                                                                           Word Count: 606

   I know still a short chapter, calm yourself. I'm still updating again later today.

This chapter is dedicated to all the girls whose dad broke their heart before any guy ever could, to all the kids who had to do things on their own and play strong because their family was never there, and for all the girls who hate who they are. You are beautiful no matter what anyone tells you and one day you'll find a guy who agrees. 


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