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Here we are... all of us. As I look around the table at the people I have grown to love and become a family with, I can't help but smile. I look back at all that we have gone through together and I just become ecstatic.

They have been more of a family to me than any of my actual family has been. They were to help me through things I couldn't have done or gotten through with out them.

When we were in the 8th grade. I had the idea of this type of hangout because when you're completely open with the people you love, you stay close. I never wanted to lose them so I wanted to keep a tradition that would keep us close. We do this to make sure that no problem goes unsolved in our group.

Esperanza, Jay, Cyrus, Kingston, Kolton, Aaron, Holden, Skylar, Madeline, Yasmine, all of us are a package. We all pass around the dinner while sitting around the table and talk.

"Hahahahahah!!!!" We were all laughing at something Jay said and then Yasmine's laugh made us burst out into a frenzy.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." I calmed down the laughter and smiled at all of them. We were all crowded around 2, 6-person tables.

I motioned them so that we could move outside to Aaron's backyard. We then moved to where there were 13 outdoor lounging chairs that were circled around a squared tiled fire pit table.

There was 13 chairs instead of 9 because we were initially anticipating Aileen and her boyfriend Derek. Derek gets overly jealous of Holden though because she liked him so he refused to go. Then the last chair was for Jace, incase he wanted to fix things between us. Once we were all settled in around the fire I motioned to get their attention.

I continued to speak when I got their attention. "As usual we are having our 'family' dinner. I can't tell you guys how thankful I am to have you guys in my life. Though, like a normal family, we have our problems. Kolton, I know how hurt you are that I didn't tell you about my parents. I'm sorry. I really am. You have to understand though, I didn't tell anyone else."

He stood up to come over to hug me, "I know. I came here because regardless, you're my bestfriend and I love you. I'm sorry I lashed out on you." He spoke low so it would be personal. I smiled and he pulled me into his embrace once more before moving back to his seat.

We were all silent and just smiling at each other for a few moments before Esperanza took charge. "Okay, so what's going on in your guys' lives?"

"Well..." Jay spoke

Word Count: 465

Author's Note: Yes, Yes. @showmethemony I know it's short. I promise I'm updating today again. Please don't jump me. The next few chapters are going to be short though. I'm going to put some perspective on everyone else's lives because life is never 2 dimensional. I might do 2-3 character's stories per chapter since I have to get through 9 stories.

This story is dedicated to my best friends Annie, Angel, Billy, David, and Gabriel. Also to my closest friends, Raz, Xier, Maylin, Shomie, Leslie, Doua, and Neveah. You guys are forever supporting me and even though only like 4 of you will see this. I love you guys.


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