Killing me

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It was about six the air stung my lungs. My brother had just left and got ready for his game. I sat on the bleachers, my butt was freezing but I didn't care I was thinking about how to tell my bestfriend that her boyfriend was cheating on her. But the game was about to start when I saw Shawn and Sierra sitting together a few bleachers in front of me. Then that's when I saw them, they had kissed.

 I was mad I held my anger for a while until  I just couldn't handle it I ran down the bleachers into the parking lot hoping I didn't draw any attention. I got out my phone and just stared at it, torn hoping it was all a dream... But it wasn't and that's what killed me so bad. I couldn't just stand there, but I couldn't go back in there. So I walked to my brothers car and jumped in the back seat and layed down, I stared at the roof of the car thinking about everything that could happen when I tell Lilly. But what I did know is that I wanted to slap Shawn and slap Sierra, everyone knew that Shawn was dating Lilly. I was so frustrated and I thought, and thought, and thought. Then everything went dark, and I fell asleep.

I woke up to Andrew saying how worried he was and how mad he was, while he drove us home. Then we pulled up to the driveway. I hopped out of the car and ran inside. A wave of warm air hit me.

 But from the door I could hear my parents yelling at each other. I didn't know what to do. Then Andrew came up behind me, and heard too. "Just go to sleep let it blow over," he said sounding worried. "Okay," I said worried too. I walked in hung my puffy black jacket on the coat rack. Turned right and ran up the stairs. I changed out of the clothes I was wearing And changed into pajamas and jumped on my bed and set my alarm I was really tired from everything that happened that day. But I decided that I would tell her tomorrow. Then I fell asleep.

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