Movie night

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We ran through the chaos of questions and reporters. Shawn opened the door quickly and ran in and slammed the door and locked it. "Woah!"The boys yelled. "Long story,"Shawn explained. We sat on the floor with Hayes. My chest was pounding, I wasn't sweaty, but I was out of breath. "Hey let's play hide and seek." Nash suggested. Everyone laughed and agreed. "Who's counting?" Jackg asked. "I will!" Cam yelled. I giggled and Cam winked at me. Cam started counting and everyone scrambled up to their feet. We all ran upstairs. I hid in the bathroom with the door unlocked in the bathtub. "Here I come!" Cam warned us. I giggled then held my breath when I heard footsteps past the door. The door opened and the lights flickered on. I held my breath, the shower curtain opened, and it was Nash, he put a finger against lips he shut the door quietly and turned off the lights and crawled next to me. Then we kissed, there was a spark, but I always had sparks with these dudes, with each one of them. I mean they are like brothers to me, but not. We stopped kissing when the light turned on, and the shower curtain pulled back, and it was Cam. "Last two!" He yelled to the others. "We're you two getting Nashty?" Cam asked. I laughed. "I mean kissing, cause I heard a noise that sounded like kissing coming from here, and Nashty means kissing with Nash. Or whateva." He asked. I laughed every single time he said Nashty, it was hilarious. We both got up and Cam helped us up. We all met back in the living room. "Who was the first person you found?"Nash asked Cam. "Shawn, he was hiding behind the couch, you could totally tell that he was there." Cam laughed. Shawn started counting while we laughed, everyone got up quickly and ran. I ran up the stairs, and  turned right and hid in a dark room, I searched for the light switch. The lights flickered on, it was messy, trash and dirty clothes everywhere. This must be Aaron's room. I thought, and then laughed, oh shoot, I know someone heard me. I hid under the bed and it stunk bad. The door flew open. And someone grabbed my foot and pulled me out it was Shawn. "Found ya," he laughed. He pulled me out into the hallway and down the stairs, I covered my head the whole time, I also giggled the whole time. He stopped in the middle of the living room. "Im gonna go and find the rest," he laughed. Then he smirked and gave me a wink, and ran up the stairs. It took him a long time, about seven minutes for him too find everyone.

It had gotten dark quickly. "Movie night!" I screamed. I searched through the movies Aaron had beside the TV , and I choose Mean Girls. The boys laughed and Nash got up and choose a movie. I sat next to Shawn, and Cam sat next to me. Behind me on the couch was Nash. Jackj made some popcorn, and Aaron got some pickles. Once the movie turned on I screamed at his movie. "Omg, no I'm not going to watch the conjuring ,no way, no how." I yelled. "Come on you have all these dudes to protect you." Matt said. I just watched the movie. There was a part that made me jump. Cam put his arm around me, but I don't care because I'm freaking out right now. "Shawn pass the popcorn," I whispered. Shawn got a hand full and shoved it in his mouth, and some pieces fell out, he handed the bowl of popcorn to me and I grabbed a little and ate little by little, terrified. I gave the bowl back to Shawn. I jumped again scared, and the lights turned off. I yelled, Cam grabbed my right hand and squeezed it. Then something touched my back. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen. It was Nash, "OMG, Nash you freaking scared me!" I yelled. My heart was racing. The boys laughed, Nash was, laughing the hardest. I ran to Nash and slapped him. "Oooo," the boys yelled. "Anyone else want one?" I asked furious. The boys shook their heads and kept watching the movie. I sat down, next to Cam and Shawn. Cam put his arm around me AGAIN! I was just so tired from hide and seek and running away from Nash and then the news people. I was still incredibly scared. I layed down my head on Cams shoulder. "Just for a second," I whispered to Cam. "Okay," he said stroking my head. He played with my hair, and I kept watching the movie. I jumped a little, it scared me.  "It's okay," Cam laughed. "I'm just afraid of something popping up behind me," I admitted. Cam laughed, "Don't worry I will protect you." Cam whispered into my ear. "Thanks," I said getting comfy. I closed my eyes waiting for me to fall asleep. Cam playing with my hair kept me up. "Stop," I groaned, swatting his hand away from my hair. He laughed, "I love you," he whispered into my ear. "Mmm, hmm," I groaned.

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