The Party

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Ambers POV;
I looked at myself in the foggy mirror. I was glad I packed the dress I was going to wear for the party. I wore a red lacey dress, with black heels I packed. I straightened my hair with Cams mom's flat iron. I put on a black belt with the dress. I had dark red lipstick, mascara, pink blush, eyeliner, and red eyeshadow. I had the ring Cameron gave me, and the necklace. Cam walked into the restroom, and grabbed my hands. "You ready?" He asked me half smiling . I nodded my head, we both walked down the stairs and walked to Cams car. The rest of the boys were doing something with Shawn. Cam and I buckled our seatbelts, and he started the car. He turned up the a.c., I leaned back in the seat, It was taking forever. After about twenty minutes we were at the party. You could hear the music down the street, and the house was packed. It looked like a mansion, there were different color lights flashing. I was so nervous, my heart was racing.
Cameron's POV;
She looked out the window, with a worried face. "It's okay." I told her. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight. There was a ton of cars, I parked right in front of it, before anyone saw the space. "Ready?" I asked Amber. She nodded her head, and unbuckled her seatbelt. I unbuckled mine too, and opened my door. I jogged around the car to open Ambers door, but she already was out of the car, shutting the door. I grabbed her hand and walked across the street, her hand was sweaty, she never was sweaty until she got nervous. We crossed the street and made it onto the lawn. The front door was already open, so we walked inside. It was all so crowded, but fun and exciting. This would be my 10th big party I was invited to. I saw some  food on the table in the kitchen. "Want some food!" I yelled over the music. It looked like she was giggling, but I couldn't hear a thing. She nodded her head and walked with me to the table. She had gotten some punch, there was beer but, no, just no. I'm 16 so no, it wasn't going to happen. I had gotten some too, but I turned to face Amber but she was out of site. I yelled her name over the music pushing past people. "Amber!" I yelled.
Ambers POV;
I walked around shouting for Cameron. But then I saw the boys who asked me if I needed a ride. Omg they see me and now they shoved passed people coming my way. I turned back add ran up the stairs.I shoved pass people, running up the stairs. I turned left into a room with the lights on. I quickly, but quietly shut the door. I turned around, I was in the restroom, but I heard a weird noise coming from the shower. I slid back the curtain, and saw Cameron kissing a girl, she stared at me. "I can explain." Cam yelled over the music. I shook my head with tears rolling down my eyes. I took of my ring and necklace and threw it at him. "Have fun Cam, I guess your done with me, I was your little charity case! You can keep that, and keep him! Cam I hope you had fun with me! I yelled over the music. They could here me, I was mad and sad. I ran out crying, sad and mad. I shoved pass the people. Everything was blurry and fuzzy. I reached the door, and opened the door and ran out. The air hit me as I ran, I stopped and checked my phone, it was dead. I cried the whole way, I ran then walked then ran again. I walked for an hour or two. Then I turned the corner, it was shawns house! His car was gone. I ran to the door and it was unlocked, I opened it and quietly ran to my room. Everything was how I left it, but cleaner. I ran to the kitchen and got a knife. I ran to my room. I started crying even more trying to catch my breath. Then I let loose and cut. "One for beliving he loved me." I cutted. "One for letting him love me, One for being so dumb, One for giving him my trust." I cried out load. I had sixteen reasons and sixteen cuts. Then I heard the door slam and several voices. I wept silently, until I heard Nash. "Shawn come over here!" Nash yelled running to me. He took the knife away, I reached for it, and my every single bone hurt. I gasped for air, then Shawn came into the room. He picked me up bridal style and ran into the restroom, and ran the water and put me in the bathtub. He was next to me with a first-aid kit. "What happened?" Shawn asked worried and mad. "Cam, he was kissing another girl. He cursed loudly and sat there still. The warm water washed away the blood. He brought some pajama clothes and walked out of the restroom. I changed, I was crying and it hurt so much. I was sobbing, and tired. Once i was done Shawn came back in and bandaged and cleaned my fresh cuts. "I'm so sorry, I should've known you were with Cam." Shawn apologized. I shook my head, "No Shawn, it's my fault for making a big deal." I cried. Then he leaned in closer and so did I and we kissed, it felt amazing, way more better than that jerks kissing. Then we both leaned back. "Go get some rest I have to do something." Shawn instructed me. He carried me again back to my room and layed me on my bed, it stung. He pulled the covers over me, and my arms and legs stung even more.
Shawns POV;
I got in the car with the boys, we were going to Cameron's house. I was mad, and furious, but relived that Amber is now back home. We pulled up, his car was there. I parked the car quickly and got off, I didn't even have my seatbelt on. I ran up to the porch, his door was open. I ran in and he was on the couch with the promise ring he gave Amber. I went up and punched him in his nose. He looked surprised and touched the blood from his nose. "Don't act surprised, you broke her heart. I didn't tell you that I was gonna ask her out before you did, and look how the relation ship between you two ended, sixteen cuts and a bloody nose, maybe  even a black eye." I yelled. The boys were probably still in the car. He just sat there, I punched him in his eye. "I won't lie, I deserve this." He said. "I'm sorry I've been a bad friend, Shawn, I made her cut again. It's all my fault, she deserves you." He surrendered. I just  walked back to the car, started it and drove back home.
She was sleep we talked about everything last night, till 3 A.M., we talked about everything that happened. She was still crying, she was heart broken. I then fell asleep in my room too.

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