His Family

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I woke up to the smell of maple. The window let light into the room. My bags were gone but on the dresser was my make up. I forced myself out of bed and walked to the dresser. There was a note sitting on the edge of the dresser. I picked it up and held it closer. It read,

Hey amber I hope you don't mind but I unpacked for you this morning- Shawn. :)

Aww, man he is so sweet I wish he didn't make it so hard for me not to like him. I didn't change yet. I walked down the stairs and followed the smell of maple. Shawn and a little girl were standing over the stove. "Um, hey Shawn. "I said shyly. He turned around and smiled his cute little smile, goodmorning sunshine."Shawn said. I rolled my eyes. The little girl turned around, she looked a lot like Shawn. "Amber, this is Aaliyah, my sister. Aaliyah this is Amber....my friend. He introduced the both of us. "Hi Aaliyah. "I said. She hid behind Shawn, I realized how shy she was. Aaliyah ran up the stairs. Shawn laughed,  "Im sorry she's shy," Shawn apologized. "Its okay." I yawned. How old is she?" I asked curious. "She's nine." he replied. "Is this your house?" I asked. He laughed. "Ya, and your gonna stay here for a while.....until stuff clears up."Shawn informed me. "Oh, okay," I said. "Thanks for unpacking for me." I said awkwardly. Shawn laughed, "no problem. "He said bored. He flipped the pancakes. Hi, Shawn,  hi Amber I've heard a lot about you." a voice behind me said. I turned around, it was shawns mom, I remember seeing her at the school talking to Shawn in the hallway I didn't know why though. "Hello, Mrs. Mendes." I said trying to be polite. "Hi mom." Shawn said embarrassed. "Im so excited that your staying with us until you can pick yourself up." she said merrily. I was shocked I turned around to see Shawn, he was blushing. It might be a little obvious though because of my bandages. But its okay because I've probably been on the news about my mom unless if they haven't aired the story. I smiled. "Lets eat the pancakes are done." Shawn announced. "Aaliyaaahhhh, Daddddddd,  food is ready!!" Shawn yelled. I giggled  and he smiled at me. Shawn pulled a chair out for me, "madam. "He said gesturing for me to sit down, I giggled."Why thank you, sir. "I said in a British accent.  Shawn and i busted out laughing. 

Me and Shawn were the first ones done. I grabbed Shawn players in my other hand and washed them putting the wet plates and forks in the dishwasher. "Shawn?" I asked. "Yeah," he said bored. "Where is the restroom?" I whispered. He laughed, "Follow me." Shawn instructed. He walked up the stairs and waved me over and turned left on the second door. He flipped on the lights,  "Here you go!"he sighed. "Your toothbrush is also on the dresser and stuff." he informed me. " thanks Shawn."I thanked him and left to my room. I turned around in circles looking for the closet door. Until I found it beside the dresser. I opened the door and looked for the right outfit. I found a fuzzy gray sweater and some dark blue jeans. I got everything else I need including my toothbrush.  I walked to the restroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower and waited for it to get warm, while I waited I took off my clothes quickly. I got in the shower and put down my shampoo, conditioner, and body soap down. The warm water burned my skin, without my bandages I could see all the cuts, reminding me that I'm crumbling apart, that I'm still a prisoner in this world. I hurried and did everything I needed to do i turned the water off and got out. Then I grabbed my towel and dried off. I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth, and put on a little makeup. Just some lipstick, lipgloss,  gray eye shadow, and some blush. I got my moouse and rubbed it in my hair. Then I blow dried my hair, I started singing while I blow dried my hair. I turned off my hair drier and kept singing while getting my stuff. I unlocked the door and heard someone run by, I swiftly opened the door, but I didn't see anyone. I grabbed my things and left to "my" room. I turned on the lights and put down my stuff and organized my stuff. I walked out of the room and went downstairs. I turned right into the living room. Aaliyah was sitting on the couch watching a show. "Hey, Aaliyah." I said sitting next to her. "Um, hey," Aaliyah said awkwardly. We sat in silence for about five minutes. "My friend has those, she's in 5th grade though,"Aaliyah said. She was pointing to my cuts, I am so dumb I forgot my bandages. The cut was on my right hand the one from yesterday. "Oh," I said feeling horrible. "She says that they are trophies she gets for everything that happens to her, she said that she is winning the games." Aaliyah said. I was about to cry, she doesn't know im glad that Aaliyah doesn't know what happened though,. "She left though,  she stopped talking to me and I don't see her at school anymore." she said sounding troubled. I was crying now. "Are you okay?" Aaliyah asked. I nodded my head. I was shocked, I stopped crying and wiped my eyes. "Hey," Shawn said walking into the room. "Hey," I sighed.  "What happened?" Shawn asked.

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