On The Verge

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It had been a week scince everything that had happened. At school I didn't talk about it. I had other friends but they were all with their friends who I didn't even know they existed. Then I had my fake friends and I don't want to play pretend today. I had just stayed low key. But I cried during lunch wishing he was here. I walked home as the wind blew my hair around my face. My mom was gone when I got home. She was probably at Kelly's house. Kelly was her friend.

 I looked around and no one was home, I ran to my room and cried, let it out and cried, I wasn't only sad I was furious. Then I ran to the kitchen got a kitchen knife and stared at it crying. My head was pounding. I just let go i took the knife and slit my arms. I did the same with my legs. I was shaking, I felt the warm blood ooze from the fresh cuts. I cried so hard I was running out of breath and everything was blurry. I could hardly breath, or think, or move. It hurt every centimeter I tried to move. Then I heard someone call my name, he got right in front of me. He took the knife from my hand and threw it across the room. I tried to move and get it but my skin stung me like a million of jellyfish stinging their victom. I couldn't tell what was going on I couldn't move or see or think I just sat there and cried like a dumb baby. Then everything was slowly going dim then I felt limp and fell over. The mysterious boy grabbed my hands and shook me until I couldn't see anything, or feel. I heard people screaming, and a sharp pain hit me everywhere I felt like I was being lifted but everything was dark. I then could feel nothing nor hear nothing.

 I was in the jungle it was peaceful. I spotted a water fall ahead but next to it was Andrew I ran up to hug him but once I got there, he dissolved into thin air. But I turned around and it had felt like  the waterfall was calling me. I turned around and ran and jumped into the the water.  I closed my eyes and held my breath. But when I opened my eyes after a couple of seconds. I was at the edge of a cliff I jumped but then heard Andrew calling me but it was too late I had jumped. Then I was with Shawn he ran to attack me and I turned my back and ran. Then he had gotten me and dragged me by my legs. I kicked and screamed. Then he turned around and sshhhhhhhed me. I spat at him and kicked and screamed trying everything for me to get away from Shawn. Then I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I was in the waterfall.

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